英语听力汇总   |   Extreme Weight Loss明星布兰迪·马洛里去世,享年40岁





Brandi Mallory, a makeup artist and dancer who appeared on the ABC reality series Extreme Weight Loss in 2014, died Thursday in Stone Mountain, Ga. She was 40.

布兰迪·马洛里周四在佐治亚州石山去世,她是一名化妆师和舞者,曾在2014年参加过ABC真人秀节目Extreme Weight Loss。她40岁。

A representative for the Fulton County Medical Examiner's Office confirmed to the news to PEOPLE but did not disclose a cause of death.


Mallory was featured on the fourth season of Extreme Weight Loss, which highlighted a different person each week as they underwent rigorous regimens to lose weight. During her time on the show, Mallory went from 329 pounds to 178 pounds.

马洛里曾出现在第四季的《Extreme Weight Loss》节目中,每周都会有不同的人接受严格的减肥方案。在参加节目期间,马洛里的体重从329磅减到了178磅。

She explained her journey to Extreme Weight Loss in an interview with Kirby Carroll in 2018, detailing how the death of a sorority sister served as a wake-up call. "It was devastating, and she wasn't as large as I was," Mallory said. "She had a heart attack. I literally was waking up every day like… this may be my last day waking up, like, I don't know what's going to happen for me."


After trying unsuccessfully to join The Biggest Loser, Mallory was selected for Extreme Weight Loss. "Every footstep since then has been God," she said. "I prayed over that application before I sent it off. I prayed every step of the way."

在尝试加入《The Biggest Loser》失败后,马洛里被选为“Extreme Weight Loss”。“从那以后,每一个脚印都是上帝的,”她说。“在我发出那份申请之前,我为它祈祷了。我每走一步都在祈祷。”

Mallory went on to run a fitness and makeup Instagram account with hundreds of thousands of followers, documenting her day-to-day life with glamorous photos and motivational captions. She also worked as a dance instructor for Dance Your Pounds Off in Atlanta, which posted a tribute video to her Tuesday and wrote, "We love you Brandi."


A funeral and a memorial service will take place later this week, according to a death notice.


Kim Williams Maxile, who appeared on season 5 of Extreme Weight Loss, also paid her respects to Mallory on social media. "You will be missed. I'll never forget while I was at boot camp for season 5 we watched your season and it inspired us to keep going," she wrote. "Your episode was my favorite because we had so much in common from pageants to being a makeup artist and just a love of life… You truly made an impact on this world with your zest and your passion for body positivity. I'm blessed to have gotten to experienced you in this world. Love you so much sis."

出演《Extreme Weight Loss》第五季的Kim Williams Maxile也在社交媒体上表达了对马洛里的敬意。“我们会想念你的。我永远不会忘记,当我在新兵训练营的时候,我们看了你的那一季,它激励我们继续前进,”她写道。“你的那一集是我最喜欢的,因为我们有很多共同点,从选美到做化妆师,再到对生活的热爱……你对身体的热情和热情真的对这个世界产生了影响。”我很幸运能在这个世界上认识你。我非常爱你,姐姐。”