英语听力汇总   |   美国女演员亨利·温克勒谈他78岁时的成功秘诀:“如果你在桌边呆得够久,筹码就会来找你”





Henry Winkler knows what it takes to have staying power in Hollywood.

In the October/November issue of AARP Magazine, the Happy Days star  — who turned 78 on Monday — discussed landing the role of Gene Cousineau on the HBO dark comedy Barry, for which he won his first Emmy award in 2018 after several nominations.
在美国退休人员协会杂志的10 / 11月刊中,这位周一年满78岁的《欢乐时光》明星讨论了在HBO黑色喜剧《巴里》中饰演吉恩·库西诺的问题,他在多次提名后获得了2018年的第一个艾美奖。

“Barry is a miracle,” exclaims the actor, who went through periods in his career in which he struggled to find roles.

During his acceptance speech for the long-awaited award, he shared, “If you stay at the table long enough, the chips come to you.”

Winkler told AARP that he was grateful to take home the trophym despite other actors claiming to not need the recognition, saying, “Actors sometimes say, ‘I don’t really care about the winning.I have my Emmy or my whatever, and it’s a doorstop in the bathroom.’ They’re lying!”

Ahead of the release of his new memoir Being Henry: The Fonz...and Beyond, he said he has no plans to slow down. 
在他的新回忆录《Being Henry: The Fonz...and Beyond》发行之前……除此之外,他说他没有放慢脚步的计划。

“I have my work and writing,” he said. “When will the switch flip? When will the dial turn me down? I still have the energy.”

Winkler is embracing his next chapter and advises fans to follow in his footsteps, saying, “Don’t think about what you don’t have. Embrace and enjoy what’s in front of you.”

The actor also opened up about his personal evolution, saying, “The old Henry got me here, but the new Henry is more fun.”

His attitude is also reflected in his home which is designed to be a gathering place for family including six grandchildren. He shares, “There are no plastic covers on our sofas. This house is meant for the lives of all of the children to be as free and as fun-filled as possible. And you know, if there’s a spot here, a spot there, big deal. The laughter, the squeals, the running, the food throwing, the toy playing is worth a spot or two.”

Looking back on his four decades in showbiz, Winkler told PEOPLE earlier this month he realized he spent too many years holding himself back due to crippling self-doubt caused by his dyslexia, and extolled the importance of taking risks.

"You have to jump off the precipice and just trust you're going to fly," he said, remembering some lean years when the acting jobs weren't coming and he had a family to support and a mortgage to pay. That vulnerable place ultimately led him to tap into new opportunities in his career.

"What am I going to do?" he recalled wondering at the time. "And then somebody suggested I become a producer. I start off saying, 'I can't do it. I'm dyslexic. I have no idea what the business is. I can't do it.' And then finally you say, 'Oh, just shut up and try.'"

"So, I think shut up and try is the [lesson]," he continued. "It sounds simple, but it might be the most important lesson that I could pass on to somebody."