英语听力汇总   |   TLC真人秀节目《Sister Wives》的梅里·布朗透露,哥哥亚当在停止癌症治疗5周后去世





Meri Brown is mourning the loss of her brother Adam.


On Friday, the Sister Wives star, 52, announced that her brother died on Thursday "just 2 months short of his 55th birthday."

周五,这位52岁的Sister Wives明星宣布,她的哥哥于周四去世,“离他55岁生日只有两个月了”

Next to a carousel of images of her and Adam on Instagram, she explained that he texted her "about 5 weeks ago," explaining that he had made the decision to stop his chemotherapy treatment "due to the rapid progression of his cancer & deterioration of his body."


"I will move forward living, loving, forgiving, remembering," she wrote. "The relationship I had with him taught me many things, and I have no doubt will continue to teach me things. I remain open to those lessons & look forward to them with anticipation."


Meri reflected on when she first learned Adam's cancer was terminal and "that he potentially had only weeks or months to live," saying that the news "hit me like a ton of bricks."


"After his passing, I would be the one remaining from the original four," she recalled. "We lost Teresa, our sister just younger than me, to cancer in 2006. We lost our oldest brother Marc to heart issues in 2015. Now Adam to another type of cancer. That leaves me."


"Now, I understand that it's not just me," she continued. "I still have 3 younger sisters with us, the 7 of us just mom's kids. Plus many other siblings from our large family structure."


Meri went on to explain how she can't quite understand why his death, and it subsequently "leaving me as the one remaining of the original four," is hitting her so strongly.
