英语听力汇总   |   美国犹他州小姐Noelia Voigt被评为2023年美国小姐





A new Miss USA has been crowned!

Miss Utah Noelia Voigt was named Miss USA 2023 following Friday's competition at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada.
周五在内华达州雷诺的Grand Sierra度假村举行的比赛后,犹他州小姐Noelia Voigt被评为2023年美国小姐。

Voigt beat out runner-up Miss Hawaii Savannah Gankiewicz and second runner-up Miss Wisconsin  Alexis Loomans for the coveted crown. Morgan Romano, who took over the Miss USA 2022 title after original winner R'Bonney Gabriel won Miss Universe, presented Voigt with her crown.
Voigt击败了亚军夏威夷小姐Savannah Gankiewicz和亚军威斯康辛州小姐Alexis Loomans,夺得梦寐以求的桂冠。摩根·罗曼诺在原冠军R’Bonney Gabriel赢得环球小姐冠军后夺得2022年美国小姐冠军,她向沃伊特赠送了自己的桂冠。

"The past seven years of my pageant journey have all led me to this moment," Voigt wrote on Instagram days before the pageant. "I usually have a bit of nerves before interview, but right now, I feel completely at peace. I can’t wait to get into that room, connect with the judges, and show them 100% of who Noelia is!"

In July, Voigt reflected on becoming the first Venezuelan-American named Miss Utah.

"I am honored to be the first Venezuelan-American woman to hold the title of Miss Utah USA, and I am truly looking forward to breaking barriers and bridging the gap between communities by being able to speak Spanish and connect with the large Hispanic population in Utah," she wrote on Instagram.

This year’s pageant saw Laylah Rose as the new Miss USA president. 

Rose, a fashion designer and CEO of the VIP Pageantry television network, spoke to Insider ahead of Friday’s competition to discuss some new changes.
时尚设计师、VIP Pageantry电视网首席执行官Rose在周五的比赛前接受了Insider的采访,讨论了一些新的变化。

The new president vowed that moving forward, the swimsuit round, evening-gown round, and interview round the women were judged on would no longer equally represent 33 percent of their final vote.

Now, the interview round counts as 50 percent while the other two categories have dropped down to 25. 

"I came in and I wanted to really highlight the delegates as individuals," Rose told the outlet. "Just like getting a job or career, you have to interview in order to be accepted. That, to me, is the most important piece of the organization, and I wanted to highlight that."  

"We're not just parading onstage and we're not just wearing heels," she continued. "We're actually out there supporting our platforms and making waves and breaking glass ceilings in the philanthropy world that we want to be in. I think that component has not been highlighted as much, and that is what I love to bring." 