英语听力汇总   |   美国活动策划人因推搡87岁的声乐教练致死被判8年以上监禁





Lauren Pazienza was sentenced to 8½ years in state prison on Friday after shoving 87-year-old vocal coach Barbara Gustern to her death last year, according to multiple outlets including the New York Post and Newsday.

On Aug. 23, the New York City woman pleaded guilty to one count of first-degree manslaughter and agreed to a sentencing of eight years in state prison, followed by five years of supervised release.

During Friday's hearing, the event planner changed her account of the incident while being questioned by Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Justin McNabney. Justice Felicia Mennin then added an additional six months to her sentence, citing Pazienza’s “inability to take responsibility for her actions,” reports the New York Post.
在周五的听证会上,活动策划人在接受曼哈顿助理地区检察官贾斯汀·麦克纳尼的询问时改变了对该事件的描述。据《纽约邮报》报道,法官Felicia Mennin随后以帕齐恩扎“无法为自己的行为承担责任”为由,将刑期再延长六个月。

Pazienza spoke briefly, first apologizing before her lawyer, Arthur Aidala, nudged her to say more, reports the Post.

“I never should have pushed anybody, and I’m so sorry,” Pazienza said, per the Post. “I wish I could take it back but God doesn’t turn back the clocks. I’m just so sorry.”

Last March, Pazienza and her fiancé were visiting Chelsea art galleries, and after drinking several glasses of wine headed to Chelsea Park. After a park employee told the couple that the park was closing, the convict cursed, shouted, threw her food at her fiancé, and left the park. 

She then headed towards 28th Street, where prosecutors say she spotted Barbara Gustern, reports Gothamist. 
据报道,她随后前往28街,检察官称她在那里发现了Barbara Gustern 哥谭主义者。

Prosecutors said Gustern was simply walking down the sidewalk last March when Pazienza called her a “b----” and intentionally shoved the octogenarian, PEOPLE previously reported. However, on Friday, Paziena denied calling Gusternthat when McNabney questioned her.

Gustern fell after being shoved and suffered multiple injuries. She entered into a coma and died five days later.