英语听力汇总   |   湖人传奇魔术师约翰逊谈胜利时间:“这个世界上没有人能讲述湖人队的故事”





Fans of prestige TV and NBA drama may have been disappointed by HBO's cancellation of Winning Time — but Los Angeles Lakers legend Magic Johnson wasn't among them.

The five-time NBA champ, whose years as the face of the Showtime-era Lakers were at the center of the Adam McKay-produced series, recently told The Hollywood Reporter that he "never watched" the show because "nobody in this world can tell the Lakers story."
这位五届NBA总冠军,作为Showtime时代湖人队的代言人,是亚当·麦凯制作的系列赛的中心人物,最近告诉 《好莱坞报道》称,他“从未看过”这部电视剧,因为“这个世界上没有人能讲述湖人队的故事。”

He added, "The Showtime story? Nobody! Dr. [Jerry] Buss was way ahead of his time as an owner. Our team? Unbelievable! The Laker Girls with Paula Abdul? Unbelievable! Nobody can tell that story."

Johnson, who was played by newcomer Quincy Isaiah on Winning Time, went on to say that his former teammates and associates also hadn't seen the show, which ran for two seasons and bore the subtitle The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty. "None of us watched it because it was fictional," he said. "You just can't tell that story. But, hey, that's on them."

Johnson, who played for the Lakers from 1979 to 1991 and again in 1996, previously criticized the show in an interview with Variety. "How are you gonna do it? You can't do it," he said. "So I don't know what this stuff [Winning Time] is, I haven't watched it, I'm not gonna watch it. And all the guys said the same thing. Kareem [Abdul-Jabbar], everybody. You can't do it."
约翰逊曾于1979年至1991年效力于湖人队,1996年再次效力,此前他在接受《 不同种类“你打算怎么做?你做不到,”他说。“所以我不知道《胜利时刻》是什么,我没有看,我不会看。所有人都说了同样的话。卡里姆(阿卜杜勒·贾巴尔),大家。你做不到。”

Ahead of the series premiere last year, McKay correctly predicted the former Lakers' displeasure with the project in an interview with EW. "We know that a bunch of them are not happy," said. "For the first half of the [show's run], I don't think I'm going to be able to get Laker tickets. But I do hope they all hang in there with the show because we really are trying to respectfully tell their story."

It's worth noting that Johnson was initially involved with the development of the show, which was based on Jeff Pearlman's book Showtime: Magic, Kareem, Riley, and the Los Angeles Lakers. Series co-creator Jim Hecht recalled in a recent THR guest column that the production company Overbrook contacted Johnson about the project. "The next thing I knew, I was in a meeting with my childhood idol and he's saying, 'Yes, I wanna do this, this way, with you guys,'" Hecht wrote. "So, I dove right in and spent the next six months developing a take."
值得注意的是,约翰逊最初参与了该节目的开发,该节目基于杰夫·皮尔曼的《Showtime:魔术、卡里姆、莱利和洛杉矶湖人队》一书。该剧的联合创作者Jim Hecht在最近的一次采访中回忆道 THR 嘉宾专栏,制作公司Overbrook就项目联系了Johnson。赫奇特写道:“接下来我就知道,我和儿时的偶像在开会,他说,‘是的,我想和你们这样做。’”。“所以,我立即投入,并在接下来的六个月里制定了一项计划。”

Alas, Hecht said Johnson "backed out" after the first day of pitching the show. "I never heard from him directly, but I was told it was about money," he added.

Among the others to criticize Winning Time for historical inaccuracies was fellow Lakers icon Jerry West, who demanded a retraction from the show for its "baseless portrayal" of him (as played by Jason Clarke).

On the other hand, Lakers president and controlling owner Jeanie Buss (played on Winning Time by Hadley Robinson) came around as a fan of the show and even appeared on its companion podcast. Her newlywed husband, Jay Mohr, also had a cameo in season 2.