Ciara is pregnant with her fourth child — her third with husband, Denver Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson. And as far as Ciara's concerned, the less said about her other baby father, the better.
Ciara怀上了她的第四个孩子,这是她与丈夫丹佛野马队四分卫Russell Wilson的第三个孩子。就Ciara而言,关于她的另一个孩子父亲的说法越少越好。
The "Goodies" singer sat for an interview with The Shade Room and was asked about co-parenting with rapper and archenemy Future. Her response was priceless.
这位“Goodies”歌手接受了The Shade Room的采访,并被问及与说唱歌手兼宿敌Future共同养育子女的问题。她的反应是无价之宝。
Instead of going through the whole rigamarole of her strained relationship with her former fiancé and forever baby daddy, Ciara just laughed her gorgeous head off as interviewer Thembi Mawema joins in because she doesn't know what else to do.
Ciara没有经历她与前未婚夫和永远的宝贝爸爸之间紧张关系的全部,而是在采访者Thembi Mawema加入时笑得目瞪口呆,因为她不知道还能做什么。
"Thembi, you're awesome," the 37-year-old said at the end of her giggle fest.
"I feel like that says it all," Mawema concludes.
It sure does. Future — who's been shading Ciara and her husband for years in his music, on social media, and probably to random strangers he meets on the street — and Ciara are most likely not sharing school pickup duties for their 9-year-old son Future Zahir.
确实如此。Future多年来一直在Ciara和她的丈夫的音乐、社交媒体上,可能还有他在街上遇到的陌生人面前遮遮掩掩。Future和Ciara很可能不会为他们9岁的儿子Future Zahir分担接送孩子的职责。
After their relationship ended in 2014, Ciara unsuccessfully tried to sue her ex in 2016 for libel after he made a series of tweets and interviews bashing her. And the hits keep coming. Just this summer Future appeared on Quavo's "Turn Yo Clic Up," spitting a line about "f--- Russell." And it's got millions of streams.
2014年他们的关系结束后,Ciara在2016年试图以诽谤罪起诉她的前男友,但没有成功,因为他发了一系列推特和采访抨击她。而且点击不断。就在今年夏天,Future出现在Quavo的《Turn Yo Clic Up》节目中,吐出了一句关于“f-Russell”的台词。它有数百万条流媒体。
But when dealing with that level of petty, what else can one do but laugh?