英语听力汇总   |   为了阻止青少年减肥,法国禁止使用过瘦模特





France has banned unhealthily thin models as part of a new law targeting “unrealistic body images” and eating disorders.


Models will be required to provide a doctor’s certificate attesting to their overall health and proving their body mass index (BMI) sits within a healthy range in order to work.

(Body Mass Index 身体质量指数,BMI=体重/身高的平方。模特们必须提供医生出具的健康评估证明以及身体质量指标,其数据都要在标准区间范围内,才能开展工作。

The measurement will be compared to the World Health Organisation’s definitions of underweight to decide whether a model is certified, although a minimum BMI has not been set after protests from modelling agencies.


France's minister of social affairs and health, Marisol Touraine, said the documents would be valid for two years “attesting that their state of health is compatible with their work”.


“Exposing young people to normative and unrealistic images of bodies leads to a sense of self-depreciation and poor self-esteem that can impact health-related behaviour,” she added.


“These two texts aim to act on body image in society to avoid the promotion of inaccessible beauty ideals and to prevent anorexia in young people.


The law was backed by French MPs in 2015, who supported punishing employers who violate the new rules with up to six months imprisonment and a €75,000 fine (£64,000).


Models under the age of 16 will have their BMI calculated during medical check-ups, by doctors who will check nutrition and growth.


The second law will require photos where a model’s silhouette has been digitally altered to be marked with the label “photo graphieretouchée” from 1 October.


Anorexia is believed to affect up to 40,000 people in France, 90 per cent of whom are women, and there have been several controversies over the use of excessively thin models in advertising.


Italy, Spain and Israel are among other countries to draw up legislation for models , while there have been similar calls in the UK.
