英语听力汇总   |   中考英语词汇必备攻略:常考词考点透彻分析 第六讲





Awake 动词:唤醒,使意识到,激起。形容词:清醒的,醒着的。

考点1:唤醒。Eg:He awoke the sleeping child.

考点2:激起,勾起。Eg:The letter awoke old fears.那封信又勾起了往日的恐惧.

考点3:注意只能作表语,表示醒着的。Eg:Are the children still awake?


Awake to sth 察觉到某事。Eg:Are you fully awake to the danger you're in? 你充分意识到自己所处的危险了吗?


Away 副词:离去,在远处。

考点1:away from,表示空间或时间上的距离。 Eg: The station is a few minutes' walk away. Eg: Christmas is still months away.

考点2:离开。Eg:Go away! Eg:Put your toys away.


Give away 分发,泄露 Keep sth away 使。。离开

Pass away 去世,消逝 Run away 逃脱

Turn away 转移,驱逐

Baby 名词:婴儿,小型。


考点2:小型。Eg:a baby car


Baby-sit 临时保姆 babyhood 婴儿期

Back 名词:背部,后面。形容词副词:后面的(地),过去的(地)。动词:后退,支持。

考点1:背部,后面。Eg:We could only get seats at the back

考点2:后面的。Eg:back door Eg:I stepped back to let them pass

考点3:过去的,Eg:date back to。。。 追溯到某个时间

考点4:支持。Eg:Her parents backed her in her choice of career。


Back and forth,来来回回。draw back,退缩,收回。 Hold back,阻碍,停顿。

Bad 形容词:坏的,不好的。

考点1:be bad for 对。。。有害 Eg:Smoking is bad for you/bad for your health


badly 副词,严重地,强调程度,尤其修饰表心理的动词.

Eg: They wanted to win so badly. Eg:I miss her badly.

Bank 名词:河岸,银行,库。

考点1:银行。Eg:a bank account ,银行账户

考点2:库。 Eg:data bank, 资料库

考点3:河岸。 Eg:on the bank

Basic 形容词:基本的,基础的。

考点1:作定语,基本的,基础的。Eg: basic human rights Eg:basic training

考点2: 作表语,be basic to sth Eg:Drums are basic to African music.


Basically 副词:根本上,基本上。

Basics 名词:基础(只有复数形式)。 Eg:basics of English composition

Basketball 名词:篮球

考点1:打篮球,play basketball


Basketball本身并不重要,关键是要急着play basketball是不加冠词的,而play the piano是要加冠词的。记着:球类运动不加冠词,乐器前面加定冠词。

Bear 名词:熊。动词:承受,承担

考点1:承受,忍受。Eg:He can't bear being laughed at.

考点2:承担。Eg:bear the responsibility,承担责任。Bear the blame,承担指责。


Bear in mind,牢记在心。

Bear fruit,结出果实,奏效。

Bear with,忍受,接受。

Beat 动词:打击,打败,心脏或脉搏跳动

考点1:打败,同defeat。Eg:He beat me at chess

考点2:打击,强调多次。Eg: Someone was beating a drum(鼓).

考点3::心脏或脉搏跳动。Eg:his heart beats fast.