'Dive Into' English Expressions
Now, the VOA Learning English program Words and Their Stories.
On this program we explore common expressions in American English. Today we are going to talk about a favorite physical activity.
Whether outdoors or indoors, swimming is a fun way to stay in shape. And one of the great things about swimming is diving. For a very short time, a diver flies through the air like a bird. Then they land in the cool water below, usually with their hands and head leading the way.
But jumping into a body of water headfirst is just one meaning of the word "dive."
"To dive into something" can also mean to start working on a project with lots of energy but not, perhaps, a lot of planning.
To dive into something(贸然投入、扎入)还可以指投入很大精力开始从事某个项目,但是可能没有经过太多规划。
Let's say two friends are really excited to dive into a new business together. They are so excited that they open their business without a clear idea of how to market their company or even who will buy their product. So, it was not a big surprise when the company went under a few months later. Friends told them that they had a good idea, but they simply dove in too quickly.
Adding the word "headfirst" adds importance. If you dive into something headfirst, you are even more excited and even less prepared!
加上headfirst这个单词就更增添了重要性。如果你一头投入到某件事情(dive into something headfirst),你就会更加兴奋,甚至更加准备不足。
For example, a man I know really wanted to learn basic home repair. He was very excited to begin on a home project. So, he dove in headfirst, knocking down walls and tearing out the floors. Unfortunately, he didn't know enough to rebuild his house. He ended up hiring a construction team for that.
"To dive into something" can also mean you are simply really excited to do it. Planning is not an issue or problem. And sometimes we add the word "right." This makes it sound more conversational.
To dive into something 也可以单指你真的非常兴奋做这件事情,规划不算问题。有时我们会加上right这个单词,这使其听起来更口语化。
For example, the children must have been very hungry after swimming all day. They dove right into the pizza the minute it was served!
But now, let's go back to the diving that relates to swimming. Sometimes divers dive off a mountain cliff. They are called cliff divers.
Some dive off the side of a pool. Others dive off a diving board. Diving boards are springy. They are made of a material that can bend. Diving boards are a kind of springboard. They are a board that springs you into the air!
In addition to diving, a springboard is useful in other situations. A springboard can be something that helps you start an activity or process. We can also call this a jumping off point, just as when you jump off a diving board.
For example, when preparing for this program, I often take note of the expressions my friends use. So, for me, these conversations are often springboards to new stories for this show.
The term "springboard" can also mean a point of departure.
Let's hear two co-workers use it this way.
A: Boy, Emanuel did not stay long at his job here, did he?
A: 伙计,伊曼纽尔在这没干多久,是吗?
B: No. But I'm not surprised. I knew he'd move quickly from this job to the next.
B: 是的,但是我不觉得意外。我知道他会很快跳槽。
A: How did you know that?
A: 你怎么知道?
B: On his first day, he told me that this job was only a springboard to a better position.
A: I see. Well, at least he was honest.
A: 我懂了。好吧,至少他很诚实。
Okay. So, besides cliff diving and diving off a diving board, there is another kind of diving -- scuba diving.
好了。除了悬崖跳水和跳板跳水,还有另一种,这就是水肺潜水(scuba diving)。
Scuba diving is an underwater activity. You swim underwater while wearing special equipment, including a tank, or container, filled with compressed air. Scuba is an acronym. It is short for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
水肺潜水是一种水下运动。人们佩戴着特殊装备在水下游泳,其中就包括装满压缩空气的氧气罐。水肺(Scuba)是首字母缩写,它是自给式水下呼吸器(self-contained underwater breathing apparatus)的简称。
With tanks of air on their backs, scuba divers are able to dive deep into the sea. On a deep sea dive, you might see some very strange sea creatures!
On land, a deep dive is when you explore an issue in great detail. Oftentimes, the media coverage of some issues is too shallow, meaning it doesn't explain enough. But sometimes a news agency is able to do a deep dive on issues that people really care about.
在陆地上,deep dive(深入挖掘)是指深入探索某个问题。通常,媒体对某些问题的报道都太浅显,意思是指不够深入报道。但是有时候新闻机构能够深入挖掘一些人们真正关心的问题。
You could say that on Words and Their Stories we dive deeper into the English language. Hopefully, this program will make you want to dive right into your English studies!
I'm Anna Matteo.
Now, the VOA Learning English program Words and Their Stories.
On this program we explore common expressions in American English. Today we are going to talk about a favorite physical activity.
Whether outdoors or indoors, swimming is a fun way to stay in shape. And one of the great things about swimming is diving. For a very short time, a diver flies through the air like a bird. Then they land in the cool water below, usually with their hands and head leading the way.
But jumping into a body of water headfirst is just one meaning of the word "dive."
"To dive into something" can also mean to start working on a project with lots of energy but not, perhaps, a lot of planning.
Let's say two friends are really excited to dive into a new business together. They are so excited that they open their business without a clear idea of how to market their company or even who will buy their product. So, it was not a big surprise when the company went under a few months later. Friends told them that they had a good idea, but they simply dove in too quickly.
Adding the word “headfirst” adds importance. If you dive into something headfirst, you are even more excited and even less prepared!
For example, a man I know really wanted to learn basic home repair. He was very excited to begin on a home project. So, he dove in headfirst, knocking down walls and tearing out the floors. Unfortunately, he didn’t know enough to rebuild his house. He ended up hiring a construction team for that.
"To dive into something" can also mean you are simply really excited to do it. Planning is not an issue or problem. And sometimes we add the word “right.” This makes it sound more conversational.
For example, the children must have been very hungry after swimming all day. They dove right into the pizza the minute it was served!
But now, let's go back to the diving that relates to swimming. Sometimes divers dive off a mountain cliff. They are called cliff divers.
Some dive off the side of a pool. Others dive off a diving board. Diving boards are springy. They are made of a material that can bend. Diving boards are a kind of springboard. They are a board that springs you into the air!
In addition to diving, a springboard is useful in other situations. A springboard can be something that helps you start an activity or process. We can also call this a jumping off point, just as when you jump off a diving board.
For example, when preparing for this program, I often take note of the expressions my friends use. So, for me, these conversations are often springboards to new stories for this show.
The term "springboard" can also mean a point of departure.
Let's hear two co-workers use it this way.
A: Boy, Emanuel did not stay long at his job here, did he?
B: No. But I'm not surprised. I knew he’d move quickly from this job to the next.
A: How did you know that?
B: On his first day, he told me that this job was only a springboard to a better position.
A: I see. Well, at least he was honest.
Okay. So, besides cliff diving and diving off a diving board, there is another kind of diving -- scuba diving.
Scuba diving is an underwater activity. You swim underwater while wearing special equipment, including a tank, or container, filled with compressed air. Scuba is an acronym. It is short for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
With tanks of air on their backs, scuba divers are able to dive deep into the sea. On a deep sea dive, you might see some very strange sea creatures!
On land, a deep dive is when you explore an issue in great detail. Oftentimes, the media coverage of some issues is too shallow, meaning it doesn’t explain enough. But sometimes a news agency is able to do a deep dive on issues that people really care about.
You could say that on Words and Their Stories we dive deeper into the English language. Hopefully, this program will make you want to dive right into your English studies!
I'm Anna Matteo.
Words in This Story
appetite – n. a physical desire for food
conversational – adj. an informal way of talking involving two people or a small group of people : the act of talking in an informal way
cliff – n. a high, steep surface of rock, earth, or ice
springy – adj. returning to an original shape when pressed down, twisted, stretched, etc.
self-contained – adj. not requiring help or support from anyone or anything else
apparatus – n. a tool or piece of equipment used for specific activities
departure – n. a new or different way of doing something : the act of leaving a job, an organization, etc.
shallow – adj. having a small distance to the bottom from the surface or highest point