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更新日期:2015-07-04浏览次数:1487次所属教程:Words And Their Stories



Hello and welcome to the VOA Learning Englishprogram Words and Their Stories.

Independence Day is a huge celebration in the United States. Peoplecelebrate by having parades and picnics and usually end the day withfireworks. So what do some of these words mean?

 Fireworks light up the sky over the United States Capitol dome and the Washington Monument in Washington July 4, 2011 . (REUTERS/Hyungwon Kang)


Cities and towns, large and small, across the U.S. close their main streets tomake way for Independence Day parades. Clean and shiny firetrucks andschool marching bands parade down the streets lined with people watchingand cheering.

Parade floats, which are decorated vehicles, carry local stars, like the childwho won the spelling bee or the winner of a local beauty contest.

People work very hard making a parade. So, the worst thing to happen onparade day is rain. To rain on someone’s parade is to ruin something forsomeone else. Here’s an example: “I hate to rain on your parade, but theguy you like is not coming to the party.”


On Independence Day people in the U.S. like to eat outside. Friends, family, and neighbors will come together and picnic. Picnics are easy and fun. So,when something is difficult we say it is no picnic. “Taking the TOEFL exam isno picnic. I studied for months and it was still so hard! ”


Many people around the world celebrate important days with fireworks,including the United States. Independence Day fireworks shows are explosive,bright and colorful.

The word “fireworks” can be used in other situations, both good and bad. Forexample, if two people are having a fiery argument others may tell them to “stop all the fireworks.” Fireworks, in this case, are a bad thing.

But, good fireworks are exciting and beautiful, like falling in love. A kiss ortouch of a lover’s hand can create fireworks between two people. Evencouples who have been married for many years but who are deeply in lovecan have fireworks explode each time they kiss.

If you want to see real fireworks in the U.S., visit during the 4th of July. The U.S. traditionally celebrates its freedom with huge, outdoor public gatheringsand fireworks at night.

In Washington, D.C., for example, large crowds gather near the WashingtonMonument to listen to music and watch a big fireworks show. In other citiesand smaller towns, local people also listen to music concerts and watchfireworks explode after dark.

They also play songs that that celebrates the American dream. You mighthear Neil Diamond’s “America,” a song that honors the American Dream andAmerica’s immigrant experience.


“Got a dream to take them there / They’re coming to America / Got a dreamthey’ve come to share / They’re coming to America /

Some songs are about the dream of the American Dream, one that perhapsdid not happen. In his song, “American Tune” famous singer/songwriter PaulSimon paints a more complex view of the American experience. He sings ofweariness, hard work and homesickness but promises that in the end it will beall right.


And I dreamed I was flying / And high up above my eyes could clearly see / The Statue of Liberty / Sailing away to sea / And I dreamed I was flying

I’m Anna Matteo.

We come on the ship they call the Mayflower / We come on the ship that sailed the moon / We come in the age's most uncertain hours / And sing an American tune / And it's all right, it's all right it's all right / You can't be forever blessed / Still, tomorrow's going to be another working day / And I'm trying to get some rest / That's all I'm trying to get some rest.

Anna Matteo wrote this story for VOA Learning English. Caty Weaver was the editor.