英语听力汇总   |   2017年6月托福写作真题回忆及范文赏析(二)





  2017 年06 月25 日


  阅读: 菊石( Ammonites ,软体动物门头足纲的一个亚纲)是因为小行星撞击后的一系列 影响而灭绝的。

  1. 酸雨。小行星撞击后的酸雨,使漂浮在海平面上的菊石幼体死亡,所以导致了其灭绝。

  2. 浮游生物( zooplankton )的死亡。小行星撞击使大量浮游生物死亡,而浮游生物是菊 石的主要食物来源,菊石因食物匮乏而灭绝。

  3. 氧气缺乏。小行星撞击造成氧气缺乏,所以菊石无法生存。


  1. 酸雨虽然会对菊石造成影响,但当时还有另一种生活在海里的frog ,这种frog 至今还 在地球上存在,如果酸雨对菊石造成影响的话,这种frog 也应该会灭绝,但是并没有。

  2. 浮游生物( zooplankton )只是菊石食物的一小部分,在所有菊石种类中,只有个别种 类以浮游生物为食,所以浮游生物的灭绝不会对大部分的菊石造成影响,所以该理论不成 立。

  3. 菊石有特殊的身体组织,可以让它在低氧的环境下也能够呼吸生存,所以氧气缺乏也 不是导致菊石灭绝的可靠原因。

  The reading and listening both talk about whether the Ammonites died out due to asteroid apocalypse. However, the lecturer lists three reason to contradict what the passage indicates.

  First, according to the lecturer, if the acid rains had killed off the ammonites on the surface of the water, another kind of frog, which also lived near the ocean, would become extinct as well. However, they still exist till now. Thus, the acid rain caused by asteroid impact mentioned in the reading passage was not the main reason.

  Secondly, the reading passage indicates that the disappearance of zooplankton, which was the main food of ammonites, directly cause the extinction of them. However, zooplankton was just a small part of their food supply, according to professor, only a part of ammonites lived on zooplankton. Therefore, zooplankton didn't account for that.

  As to the third reason of absence of oxygen, the professor claims that the special physical structure allowed ammonites to live with hypoxia, which means that the statement in the reading that the impact taking away oxygen from the atmosphere killed all of ammonites is not correct.

  (185words )


  Do you agree that it is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of one,s own family It is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of one's own family.

  Fresh graduates are facing the challenge of job-seeking and a large amount of them try to take the short cut that their family can offer some job opportunities for them, whether they suit these position or not. However, they are too shortsighted to realize the opposite consequence. Given the choice, I wouldn't take this kind of job which is under the influence of my family.

  Firstly, they can't be sure whether what their family do is their own favorite. If not, the rest of their career lives will very likely be a suffering. My cousin, who was worried about finding job after graduation and eventually employed by the company owned by his uncle, suffers from the depression due to boring and hopeless working day. I don't th ink there is anyone who would sit idly by while their offsprings are all but dead in workplace. Thus, for the true meaning of work, don't compromise and choose the job just to avoid being a temporary “ loafer ”.

  Even if the job fit their interest like a glo ve, it's hard for them to make achievements due to the limitation from stereotype of their family. People always expect more from those who have built- in advantages but when those people don't perform well enough, the great disappointment appear. Similarly, when all others think you should be the first because of the so-called relations of family bond, you are not allowed to make any mistake, otherwise you will be regarded as a failure. Since there are double difficulties to be successful than working in other companies, they are not supposed to be the prisoners in a small jail with no top.

  As a rule, everyone dreams to work in a company whose boss is your father, and because of this, he or she can get rid of the office rules and behave freely. However, a company with unfair leaders will stop to go because of the unfair management and suspicious working relations. Would anyone like to stay in a sinking ship without expectation and hope? Accordingly, whether their father provide them with “ convenience or not , I don't think it is the job that they truly want.

  In conclusion, in view of the own interest, unlimited working place and bright career lives, young people should be vigilant when they are thinking of the company where the family members work.

  (411 words )