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  在以geology为背景的托福阅读中,Continental drift(大陆漂移)是一个常考的话题,大陆漂移又会造成地震和火山等地质现象,这些话题都在考试中出现过。小编在此就为大家补充一点这方面的背景知识,希望大家考试遇到类似话题的文章后,不会太陌生。

  Continental drift的出镜率还是很高的:

  直接与此相关的文章:15年真题Gondwana,Early theories of continental drift等。

  有关联的文章:OG中的Geologyand Landscape TPO27中的The Formation of Volcanic Islands等。

  一个理论的提出到被主流科学界结束,往往需要漫长的等待和一代代科学家的努力:The notion that Earth’s land masses could move was long considered outrageous to the scientific community.


  Some continents(南美洲东海岸和非洲西海岸) appear to fit together, like a puzzle pieces.


  The meandering coastlines of the various continents appear to slot in place to form one giant super continent.

  人们还意外的发现到了the fossilized remains of similar animals, and in particular plants, were cropping up in places now separated by vast oceans (被大海隔着的大陆上,远古动植物的相似性)

  有人用陆桥来解释这些发现:曾经在地球上南美和非洲是相连的。Continentswere once connected via vast land bridges, which have since been eroded away or submerged deep beneath the sea.(记不得陆桥是啥的同学可以用TPO45R1回顾一下哦)


  而本文的男主角,德国科学家Alfred Wegener在1912年提出了大陆漂移假说,他还假设,地球上所有大陆在很久以前是一个整体,叫做Pangaea。虽然挺Alfred的人还是有的,但更多的科学家选择不相信他:

  Most geologists at the time refused to entertain the idea that the continents might have moved in the past.


  Alfred’s work met with a lukewarm receptionfrom the scientific community, because he could not provide a plausible reasonas to why the continents would drift.



  直到1950-60s,科学家通过使用palaeomagnetism的方法,对不同时期岩石磁性的判断,并且发现了Mid-Atlantic ridge水下山脊,最终证明了Alfred是对的,继而发展成现在的the theory of plate tectonics.

  通过对Atlantic ridge的观察,人们发现了海底形成的过程:从地幔涌出的岩浆向两边扩散,撕裂了海洋地壳,形成了新的海底。

  Lava, seeping up through cracks that ranthrough most of the major ocean systems, was creating new seafloor. 从而解释了大陆板块为啥会动。