英语听力汇总   |   托福阅读词汇解析(5)





  · constume

  · 戏服

  · Please wear black or red constume for the March.

  · sophisticated

  · complicated

  · 复杂的, 精密的

  · I added statements to print to standard out, but why not use a more sophisticated loggingmechanism to keep track of which files have been uploaded and when?

  · abandon

  · leave

  · 遗弃, 放弃

  · But in spite of the material benefits wealth provides, I believe one should abandon the pursuit ofmaterialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness.

  · modify

  · adapt

  · 修改, 更改

  · We can now modify our script further to read these machine names into a list structure, andconnect to the registries of each one in turn.

  · tradition

  · 惯例, 传统

  · "As for the future, let me do my work and we will have periodic checks whether I am in sync withthat tradition or I deviate from that," he said.

  · divorce

  · seperate

  · 分离

  · But I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something he should divorce her and start allover again.

  · autonomous

  · independent

  · 自主的, 自治的

  · On the other hand, when we construct autonomous robots, I bet we give up some of theirpotential adaptability in exchange for preventing them from going off on their own beyond ourfull control.

  · aesthetic

  · 美学的, 审美的

  · Historically, there are many reasons for environmental injustice: some economic, someaesthetic; some are simply due to a lack of community resources available.

  · alternative

  · 选择性的

  · He said there is no alternative for him but to maintain order under any circumstances.

  · fundamental

  · essential

  · 基本的, 根本的

  · Independence and sovereign equality among states is a fundamental principle of international law.

  · engaging

  · charming

  · 迷人的

  · A joke, a compliment, an engaging discussion about the latest film or book – these things add alittle light to the lives of those around you.

  · enjoyment

  · fun

  · 享受, 乐趣

  · Excessive clutter is often a symptom and a cause of stress and can affect every facet of yourlife, from the time it takes you to do things to your finances and your overall enjoyment of life.

  · elaborate

  · 详细阐述

  · They go through the elaborate ceremony so that, in their words, "Illimani gives them waterthrough the year"

  · narrator

  · 叙述者

  · The unnamed narrator tells his dreams to a friend, Severin, who tells him how to break him of his fascination with cruel women by reading a manuscript, Memoirs of a Supersensual Man.

  · impersonation

  · 扮演, 模仿

  · And sadly, in today’s anonymous online environment, it was probably only a matter of time before some twisted individual used a Web site like Craigslist to commit a crime of impersonation.

  · rhythmical

  · 有节奏的

  · Frames that change the blocks of rooms of the Soviet building form rectangle to musical,rhythmical form are not there only for decoration – these frames are basic structure for wavybalconies.

  · gymnastic

  · 体育的

  · Sylvia didn’t have any gymnastic classes but she was tall, strong, and she was popular.

  · admiration

  · 赞赏, 钦佩

  · While some protesters expressed admiration of the monarchy with which the flag is associated,others asserted that the meaning for them was primarily one of independence and revolution.