The Clippa Lady reinvents the metal snap-style hair clip favoured by females the world over into something rather more useful.
这款发卡名为Clippa Lady,改良了广受全世界女性喜爱的手掰式金属发卡,将其变得更为实用。
Strengthened with steel, the $9.99 hair clip boasts an array of handy tools and can open beer bottles, file chipped nails and even lever out a pin stuck in a shoe.
Alongside a screwdriver function, there are also neat markings on one side of the clip should you need a ruler and even a scraper to keep nails looking clean while you're on the run.
The company behind the hair clip, which comes in a bright pink colour, has issued the latest design in the Clippa range to woo a more feminine audience.
It has previously gone for more masculine-looking silver and black coloured clips, not necessarily worn in the hair, which have targeted male users.
Where previous features on the original design have included a serrated edge for cutting, the Clipper Lady replaces the knife function with a nail file...something which will almost certainly raise a few eyebrows amongst feminists.
最初设计出来的发卡有着锯齿状边缘,可用来切割物品,Clipper Lady发卡将该位置的刀具功能替换为指甲锉,这几乎必然会引起一些女权主义者的不满。
While it may not be able to deal with more heavy duty tasks easily handled by weightier multi-tools, the Clipper Lady's natty design means wearers can easily deal with tidying up broken nails or removing bottle tops.
重型多功能工具可以轻松搞定的更为繁重的工作,这个小小的发卡可能无法胜任,但Clippa Lady发卡精妙的设计意味着佩戴者可以轻松地打理劈裂的指甲或打开瓶盖。
All of the above is more impressive when you consider its diminutive size; although it's larger than your average hair clip, the Clippa Lady still measures in at just 4.92 x 2.87 x 0.82 inches.
考虑到它小巧的尺寸,能实现上面的功能更加令人叹为观止。尽管比普通发卡要大,Clippa Lady发卡的长宽高仍然分别只有4.92、2.87、0.82英寸。
User reviews of the clip suggest that the product is a practical gift not just for women but also for girls.
On Amazon, one reviewer, Sarah Hubbard, wrote that she bought the gift for her friend's 11-year-old daughter who 'had been complaining that multi-tools were made for boys' and revealed that she 'loved it'.
在亚马逊(Amazon)网站上,名叫萨拉•哈伯德(Sarah Hubbard)的用户评论说这是她送给朋友11岁女儿的礼物,小女孩对这个礼物“爱不释手”。这个小女生曾经抱怨“那些多功能工具都是为男孩子设计的”。
However, not everyone has raved about the product with another Amazon user, Jill, describing it as 'too flimsy to be useful as a screwdriver or a knife'.
nail file:指甲锉