英语听力汇总   |   托福听力常考题型重点分析







1) BUT题型。这类题型在托福题中层出不穷,基本每一套托福题中都会有三、四、五道不等,这类题型解题关键是努力听懂but 后面的东西,因为这个地方永远是考点。对一般考生而言,让他将所有的东西都听出来不大可能,因为实力不够。但若是让他听出其中的一点,那就没什么问题。而but 恰恰就是这样一个标志,听见but就该使劲了,一使劲问题也就解决了。试看几例:

a) Does this music bother your studying, Pam?

Actually I’m not studying any more, but I’m trying to sleep. (2000 年1月第23题)

b) Gee, Tom, I hear that you are working as a house painter this summer. It’s got to be awfully hot working up there on a ladder in the blazing sun all day.

Well, it’s hard work, but I get to be outdoors and the pay is decent. (2000 年1月第9题)

c) I don’t think I want to live in the dormitory next year. I need more privacy.

I know what you mean. But check out the cost of renting an apartment first, I wouldn’t be surprised if you changed your mind. (2000 年1月第30题)

2) 对一般疑问句回答题型。该类题型在托福听力中不断涌现。一般疑问句在英文中又被叫作Yes or No question,这是因为对这类问题的回答只有两种可能性,要么是yes, 要么是no, 此外别无选择。在实际做题时,此类题型的解题方法和技巧非常简单,那就是如果你听不懂第二个人说的话,你就按照否定第一人的问题去回答,于是你就会得到正确的答案。我常举这样一例:

A: I need to see a dermatologist. You are familiar with Dr. Smith. Do you recommend her?

B: I have been seen by her a few times, and the best I can say for her is she has some interesting magazines in her waiting room.




a) Did you meet the new teacher yesterday?

I’ve been sick for 3 days.

b) Have you read this month’s issue of Inquiry?

What journal is that?

c) Did you ask Shirley to go to the dance with you?

She is away at a conference until tomorrow.

d) Were you able to get your own locker at the Gym?

They’re temporarily out of them. I’ve to check again next week.

e) Do you think Janet will spend a week in the country with us?

Only if she can tear herself away from her books.

f) Should I buy this exercise record for Linda for her birthday?

She already has the cassette.

g) Will you come to my poetry reading next week?

I’ll be out of town then.

h) Have you heard who won the election?

I missed the news and haven’t had time to read the paper.

3) 语气题型。语气题型的重要性不需要我来强调,对托福有一定了解和认识的同学,自己一定有深刻的体会。一套托福题中,通常会出现一个纯粹的语气题。所谓纯粹的语气题,就是如若语气不能很好把握的话,一般来讲,做对这道题是有困难的。例如:

I’ve heard just one person got an A on the test. You!

All right!

此处,all right的语气如听不出来,会影响你的做题。考生可以对照磁带,仔细体会。再如:

I must admit that since I started the exercises I’ve been feeling less tired.

What did I tell you?



He hasn’t seen his parents four years!

He hasn’t seen his parents for years!

