英语听力汇总   |   托福口语Task6信息转述完不成怎么破?











  首先在integrated task当中学生要明白summarize points and examples 意味着只挑重点信息转述,在第六题里把听力文本的points和相对应examples概述完整即可。我们可以利用以下解题步骤整理答题内容:









  One benefit of subsurface locomotion is that it enables animals to minimize their exposure to extreme temperatures. This is very helpful to animals that live in areas with harsh climates, where it could be very dangerous to spend large amounts of time on the surface. For example, in the Sahara Desert, in Africa, there's a type of lizard that's able to move beneath the surface, through the sand, very quickly. Because this lizard can move so easily and so quickly underground, it doesn't have to travel on the surface, where it would be exposed to dangerously high temperatures.

  -The fist benefit is that subsurface locomotion helps animals minimize exposure to extreme temperature and avoid harsh climate.

  -Take the Saharan desert lizard for example; it can move quickly underground to avoid traveling on surface with high temperature.



  For one thing, many Arctic animals have developed a protective covering on their feet. The covering usually consists of fur or feathers which act as a protective layer between the cold and the animals' skin. Since they spend so much of their time on snowy, icy surfaces, whether they are standing on the ground or swimming in the water, they can easily lose heat through their feet. This is especially true of Arctic birds. A bird like the Arctic Snowy Owl, for example, has feathers on its body the way other birds do. But unlike most birds, it also has feathers all over its feet. This shields and protects the feet from the icy ground so that very little of the owl's foot actually touches snowy or icy surfaces, which helps its feet to stay warm.

  -The first one is that they have protective coverings on their feet, which prevents them from losing heat. (定语从句)

  -For example, the Arctic owl has feathers both on its body and all over its feet, so that very little of its feet actually touch the icy ground.(状语从句)




  Also roads, especially major highways, can act as barriers and divide up an animal's habitat into smaller ones where there is not enough food to support the population. These busy highways, with cars speeding past day and night, act like boundaries that animals are afraid to cross. So they sometimes get shut in on a small piece of land where there isn't enough food to support them. This is a serious problem for animals that need access to large expanse of land to look for food. For example, there are these foxes called Kit foxes that live in the southwestern United States, They hunt small animals like mice and squirrels which are spread out over large areas of open grasslands. And now, because of these roads, the Kit fox population has declined significantly because now they don't get enough food.

  -The second way is that they become barrier for animals because they're shut in small areas where they can't get enough food. This is hard for animals that need food which are spread over a large expansion of land.

  -For example, kit foxes hunt for mice which are in a large expansion of grassland. When road is constructed, their numbers declined because they can't get enough food.



