英语听力汇总   |   时尚英语话题 66 Being Clean





Being Clean

I don't spent a lot of time grooming myself before I start the day. But I do make sure that I'm Clean.

I shave. I brush my teeth. I put on clean clothes. I make sure that my bag is ready for the day, and after that, I'm ready to start the day.

I do my best to be clean.But the truth is, there is a lot of room for improvement when it comes to cleanliness and me...

My car is a bit of a mess. My room is a bit of a mess. And by the end of the day,my bag is a bit of a mess.

My whiskers grow quickly as well,so my 5 o'clock shadow sometimes comes early!

This is all going to say that I wish I were cleaner. I wish I paid more attention to keeping the things on my desk at right angles. I want to look sharp...not just for image, but because I feel sharp too. Sometimes, my external looks affect the way I feel.

When I meet someone, I feel better if I have just brushed my teeth and my shirt is tucked in.

I feel more confident when I meet someone if I know that I'm wearing nice clothes or that I'm properly groomed.

Cleanliness...it's something that we should all aim for, but if takes some work in achieving.

Talk about it

1. I think the way we look can affect the way we feel. Do you agree?

2.How do ou feel wen you dress up?

3.Do you feel different when you put on sunglasses?

4.Do you feel different when you wear formal clothes?

5.Do you take a shower every day?

6.Before a meeting, do you do anything to tidy up?

7.How often do you clean your car?

8. Who is the cleanest member of your family?

9.How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

10.Do you spend a lot of time looking in the mirror and fussing about your looks?