英语听力汇总   |   时尚英语话题 61 What’s the Rush?





61 What’s the Rush?

Sometimes I think we need to get off this wild ride----the ride we call life-----as we know it. As the song goes, “slow down, you’re moving too fast, you got to make the good times last.” Why have we become addicted to fast, and still it’s not good enough? Computers and gadgets need to be faster and faster. Fast food can’t get fast enough. I recently went to a wedding, and it was over so quickly. We don’t want to wait for other cars; we want the ultimate fast lane, with the ultimate speed. Heck, if we could afford it. I’m sure we would take rockets instead of planes.

But even that’s not fast enough. Until the science fictions dream of moving one place to another in a blink of an eye becomes reality, we’ll be unhappy. Perhaps speed is not the answer to happiness all the time. Once in a while, slowing down is the answer. At least enjoy the ride we call life. It’s not just about getting to the end----the end will come, but enjoying the trip. That’s what I need to do more of. What about you? Even if you win the rat race, you are still a rat!

Talk about it. Are you impatient? How often do you eat fast food? Are you happy with the speed of your computer or your internet connection? Do you wish could slow your life down a little? What do you think people who are always in a hurry? Do you take time out during the day and try to slow things down? What can people do to slowing their life down and not be in such a hurry? Do you know what the expression “take time to smell the roses” means? Dose this expression apply to your life? Are you happy with the current pace of your life?