英语听力汇总   |   时尚英语话题 30 Pain





30. Pain

There is a phrase no pain no gain,it’s used a lot by coaches ,teachers, and parents.The idea is that good things don’t come easily ,we have to work for them ,the more we invest the big we reward,so pain could be mental or physical .Sometimes when we are in tough or painful situation ,we can grow from it ,but sometims the pain doesn’t go away,and it becomes a burden it wave us down, then too much pain makes a negative ,it makes us dark . I was runing around yesterday and spring our ankle I will be better in a few days I was done it before ,I think it occurs all tall people ,but it also give me a chances to reflect on the value of helf in time without pain .I know someone would migrate hadex all time that people is unable to function well when it has a pain ,that would be hell ,compared to him, I have a good ,some people have high threacial of pain ,they can handle of a lot of pain ,it doesn’t bother them much ,but other people cann’t take the pain ,they complaint about slightest injuries even if it doesn’t seems that bad ,I guess that everyone has different way to handling the pain .I am just glad that for the most of part my life is pain free .

Talk about it ,have you ever been injuried,did you ever break a bomb,have you ever really sick for more than a couple of days? Have you ever gone to emergency room?What was like?Do you agree with a No pain no gain philophy ,what kind of physical or mental pain have experienced?Do you have high or low threacial of pain?Can you give me an example of good pain ?The pain of troubles is considered to be very extreme ?Do you think there is a different between man and woman regarding pain threncials ?