荏苒的不再是岁月,换成面孔的转变,我们所珍惜的,也更容易折去。总要感叹,一叹老去千年,这二十出头的岁数里有这么多的抑郁。许多事把幼稚的想象杀光了, 也就是铁凉铁凉的现实摆在面前,难得的成长竟在我们冲动的时间,别扭的成长笼罩左左右右。时间越来越像把握不住的流体,轻易失去,留不下任何痕迹,却满手 遗憾。险些真的把生活当生活,我总想,总想该做些什么。终于还是不知道做什么,于是看别人做什么,别人在干的事是本人难以理解的。如打升级居然打一圈还在 打,玩游戏居然一宿一宿的,陪女朋友居然能陪分手,看小说居然能蹲一个小时……连续四个居然显然证明我在偷懒,没能把有限的精力放进无限的浪费之中。可把 时间分开来看,一部分可以用来处理生理必须,睡觉,吃饭都属于这一范畴。一部分完全是自由时间,约有十三个小时。老师说现在该为未来规划,每天十三个小时 我规划七百八十分钟,规划等同于瞎想。于是我是非常的闲,我们是非常的闲,因优渥的生活不能再优渥而烦恼。渐渐发现一种缺失证据确凿,我们的宿舍和自习室 为证。
As is no longer time, with the transition of the face, what we cherish, were also more likely to fold. Always sigh, a sigh old to one thousand years, are there so many in the aged in their early 20 s of the depression. Many things to think of childish killed, namely iron cold iron cold reality in front, the growth of the rare impulse in our time, at odds over the growth of left and right. Time more and more like waver fluid, easy to lose, leave no trace, hand with great regret. Came close to really take life as the life, I always think, always think what to do. Finally still don't know what to do, so see what others do, and what other people doing is I am hard to understand. Such as playing upgrade actually played a circle is still in play, playing games is a night, a night to accompany his girlfriend to break up with, reading novels can squat down for an hour... Four consecutive incredibly clearly prove that I'm lazy, can't put the limited energy in infinite waste. To separate the time, must part can be used to deal with physiology, sleep, eat belong to this category. Part is completely free time, about 13 hours. The teacher said the planning for the future now, thirteen hours a day I planning for seven hundred and eighty minutes, planning is equivalent to blind guess. So I'm very carefree, we are very idle, had trouble with nice life couldn't be fruitful. Gradually find a lack of evidence, our dormitory and study area.
自去年入学,至今没发现学校的美女。这能说明三点一美女主要活动场所不是学校,二学校确实没有美女, 三我眼睛度数长了。其实我还是怀疑这学校是存在美女的,因为有一个希望终归是好的。唉,最怕这个唉字,此字可长读可短读,但之后的内容必定是,无聊啊。为 此有必要提出本文的中心论点了,要吃好要喝好要多多做事情。其实上句的“事情”还是个未知,也就是说还是没提出来。这个问题会困扰很久的,至少现在在困扰 我。
Since last admission, he has not found the school beauty. The main activity place is not about three point one beauty schools, secondary schools there is really no beauty, three degree my eyes long. In fact, I still doubt there is the beauty of this school, because there is a hope is good after all. Alas, the most afraid of the word, alas, this word can be read but short long, but after the content must be, boring. Therefore it is necessary to come up with a central thesis of this article, to eat good drink good to do things a lot. Actually on the other "things" is still a unknown, that is to say or not to ask. This seem to be troubling for a long time, at least in bother me now.
In fact, huangyan island is China, diaoyu island were, are, and also. Full of territorial sovereignty to struggle for the motherland, I am very hot, don't lie said.