英语听力汇总   |   剑桥雅思阅读题型分类练习解析:摘要选词题3






  Suggestopedia uses aless direct method of suggestion than other techniques such as hypnosis.However, Lozanov admits that a certain amount of 37____is necessary in order toconvince students, even if this is just a 38____

  37.答案:F ritual

  原文:Lozanov acknowledges that the ritualsurrounding suggestion in his own system is also a placebo, but maintains thatwithout such a placebo people are unable or afraid to tap the reserve capacityof their brains.

  同义替换:admits = acknowledges ; necessary = withoutsuch a placebo people are unable or afraid

  38.答案:H placebo

  原文:Lozanov acknowledges that the ritualsurrounding suggestion in his own system is also a placebo, but maintains thatwithout such a placebo people are unable or afraid to tap the reserve capacityof their brains.

  Furthermore, if the method is to succeed,teachers must follow a set procedure. Although Lozanov's method has becomequite 39____the results of most other teachers using this method have been 40____

  39.答案:K well known

  原文:While suggestopedia has gained some notorietythrough success in teaching of modern languages……

  同义替换:well known = gained some notoriety

  40.答案:G unspectacular

  原文:Few teachers are able to emulate the spectacular results of Lozanov andhis associates.

  同义替换:using this method = emulate ; unspectacular =Few…are able to emulate the spectacular


  7. The antscultivate a large number of different species of edible fungi which convert 7____intoa form which they can digest.

  答案:C cellulose

  原文:Ants can't digest the cellulose in leaves—but some fungi can. The antstherefore cultivate these fungi in their nests.

  同义替换:convert….. into = (some fungi) can(digest)

  They use their ownnatural 8____as weed-killers and also use unwanted materials as 9____

  8. 答案:M secretions

  原文:Farmer ants secrete antibiotics to control other fungi that might actas 'weeds', and spread waste to fertilise the crop.

  同义替换:secretions = secrete antibiotics ;weed-killers = control other fungi that might act as 'weeds'

  9.答案:F fertilizers

  原文:Farmer ants secrete antibiotics to control other fungi that might actas 'weeds', and spread waste to fertilise the crop.

  同义替换:unwanted materials = waste ; fertilizers = fertilise the crop

  10. Genetic analysisshows they constantly upgrade these fungi by developing new species and by 10____specieswith neighbouring ant colonies.

  答案:D exchanging

  原文:Even more impressively, DNA analysis of the fungi suggests that theants improve or modify the fungi by regularly swapping and sharing strains withneighbouring ant colonies.

  同义替换:Genetic analysis = DNA analysis ; shows =suggests ; upgrade = improve or modify ; exchanging = sharing

  In fact, the farmingmethods of ants could be said to be more advanced than human agribusiness,since they use 11 ____methods, they do not affect the 12____and do not waste 13____

  11.答案:N sustainable

  原文:The farming methods of ants are at least sustainable.

  同义替换:they use sustainable methods = The farmingmethods are sustainable

  12.答案:O environment

  原文:They do not ruin environments or use enormous amounts of energy.

  同义替换:affect = ruin

  13.答案:E energy

  原文:They do not ruin environments or use enormous amounts of energy.

  同义替换:waste = use enormous amounts of


  30. Glass and Singer(1972) showed that situations in which there is intense noise have less effecton performance than circumstances in which 30____noise occurs.

  答案:B unexpected

  原文:We are much more able to ' tune out' chronic background noise, even ifit is quite loud, than to work under circumstances with unexpected intrusions.

  同义替换:intense = quite loud ; have less effect = aremuch more able to ' tune out'

  31. For somesubjects, the noise was predictable, while for others its occurrence wasrandom. All groups were exposed to 31____noise.

  答案:D the same amount of

  原文:For some subjects, the bursts were spaced exactly one minute apart(predictable noise); others heard the same amount of noise overall...

  同义替换:were exposed to = heard

  32. The predictablenoise group 32____the unpredictable noise group on this task.

  答案:F performed at about the same levelas

  原文:Subjects reported finding the predictable and unpredictable noiseequally annoying, and all subjects performed at about the same level during thenoise portion of the experiment.

  33. The group whichhad been exposed to unpredictable noise 33____the group which had been exposedto predictable noise.

  答案:I made more mistakes than

  原文:As shown in Table I the unpredictable noise produced more errors in thelater proofreading task than predictable noise...

  同义替换:made more mistakes = produced more errors

  34. The resultssuggest that 34 ____noise produces fatigue but that this manifests itselflater.

  答案:B unexpected

  原文:Apparently, unpredictable noise produces more fatigue than predictablenoise...