英语听力汇总   |   雅思阅读判断题备考:逻辑关系





  通常我们解答雅思判断题的方法是分析题目,找定位,标考点词,再到原文找定位词,比较分析原文信息和题目考点词的关系,若是同义替换则是TRUE;若是矛盾关系,则FALSE;若题目考点词和原文无关,则NOTGIVEN. 判断题的考点种类比较多,此处不做赘述。



  1.For the earliest tribes,the concept of sufficiency was more importantthan the concept of quantity. (C6P51Q32)

  对应原文的句子是It is impossible to learn the sequence of events that led to ourdeveloping the concept of number. Even the earliest of tribes had a system ofnumeration that,if not advanced,was sufficient for the tasks that they had toperform. Our ancestors had little use for actual numbers;instead theirconsiderations would have been more of the kind Is this enough? rather than Howmany?题目是比较充足性的概念和数量的概念,前者比后者更重要。原文相关位置并没有直接给出比较级,但是出现了little,instead,ratherthan的表达,sufficiency在原文替换词是enough,quantity在原文的替换词是howmany,显然,最后一句说明了充足性的概念是更多被考虑的问题,而不是有多少。因此这个题的结论是TRUE。

  2.In the follow-up class,the teaching activities are similar to those usedin conventional classes.(C7P29Q33)

  原文内容'There is a follow-up class at which the students are stimulated torecall the material presented. Once again the approach is indirect. The studentsdo not focus their attention on trying to remember the vocabulary,but focus onusing the language to communicate. Such methods are not unusual in languageteaching'题目中的关系词是similar,原文虽然没有出现直接比较,对应的第二句,三句介绍了follow-up class的具体活动,不是去死记硬背单词,而是通过交流来达到语言应用的目的。这些方法在传统课堂不是不寻常的,notunusual恰恰就体现了一种比较,因此正好符合了题目中的similar关系。因此,该题的结论为TRUE.

  3.Computers are better than humans at detecting faults inglass.(C8P44Q13)

  原文对应:Inspection technology allows more than 100 millions measurements asecond to be made across the ribbon, locating flaws the unaided eye would beunable to see.题目定位词选择computer和humans,原文信息中,定位词做了一定程度的替换,computer对应inspectiontechnology,而humans替换为eye, 所以原文句子的意思是计算机技术能检测到瑕疵,而无助的眼睛是看不到的,所以unable tosee就表达了一种人类能力有限,计算机更擅长于检测玻璃的瑕疵。所以该题的结论为TRUE。

  4.Extinct megafauna should receive more attention than the extinction ofthe dinosaurs.(OG .P256Q32 'Australia's lost giant')

  原文信息:Given how much ink has been spilled on the extinction of thedinosaurs,it's a wonder that even more hasn't been devoted to magafauna.这是一道来自官方指南的判断题,通过原文判断出作者的态度信息,题目是直接比较关系出现,megafauna的灭绝应该受到更多的关注。原文表达重点是it's awonder that even more hasn't been devoted…,所以原文通过否定,体现了作者鲜明的态度,因此结论应该是TRUE。
