英语听力汇总   |   雅思口语说不满规定的时间 怎样丰富自己的口语?





  不少烤鸭反馈,答题时没有什么思路,觉得自己已经答完,但考官仍然看着自己,等待其他的内容,或是很疑惑考生为什么只说了这么一点内容,就用that’s all这样的句子来结束自己的答案。


  如果用数据说明的话,我们可以这样告诉大家:学生的回答语句要是考官问句的三倍以上,也就是说,回答太少或是一个字答题法one word answer是很不讨考官喜欢的。三倍以上的概念就是,当我们回答问题时,可以尽量展开,从一个话题聊到另一个话题。下面我们以例句为大家做一些示范。



  What would you think your neighborhood? Do you think it is good for living?

  Answer: I think my neighborhood is ok. It’s clean and beautiful.

  扩展:My neighborhood is good for living. There is a small garden in my community, and in the afternoon, a lot of children will come out of their houses and play in the garden. The environment is clean, so the children can live in a comfortable surrounding. The grass and flowers are beautiful too. In summer, they are in all blossom, they are fragrant and fresh.




  比如,Why is it important to teach cooking for children?

  Answer: It is so important. Because children should learn to take care of themselves as they can. If the parents are very busy, they cannot cook for the children. Although somebody says that it is dangerous for children to cook, I think if they are careful and proficient enough, they can cook.



  对于“去年发生的事情”,我们也可以放心地使用在自己的答案中,因为它可以瞬间将我们的答案增多一倍以上。比如,Have you received a letter from your best friend recently?

  Answer: Yes, I have heard from my best friend Jane last week. She told me her experience of attending the new university. Last year, we stayed together and talked about going to the new school, and now she is a freshman in it. How time flies!



  这也是罗嗦至极,但却是非常好用的口语话题技巧。在论证第三部分的时候,常会用到这样的论证方式。What will the TV program change in the future?

  Answer: The TV program will change a lot in the future. With the development of technology, TV program will become more interesting. We will add the visual effects on it. Maybe it will appear 4D program or even we come into the scene as the actors. It’s hard to say. It can be imagined, but I don’t know. It’s my fine hope, anyway.

