英语听力汇总   |   雅思口语part1范文解析:手写和打字









  1. What is your major?

  Q: How often do you write by hand?

  A: To be frank with you, with the development of computer technology, I barely write by hand. The computer takes more responsibility for me if there is a need to write something



  Q: Is it importa nt to you to write something by hand?

  A: Defnitely. I be lieve that handwriting is indispensable no matter how society develops. Our Chinese thinks that handwriting serves as the second identity card which is unique to you. We have to write our names by hand each tine after a transaction of our credit cards. Besides, I be lieve in exercising Chinese calligraphy could a lso cultivate one's personality.



  Q: Do you think computer typing will replace handwriting?

  A: No, I don't think so. Handwriting has been existing ever since the begimning of humans civilization. It bears an important significant of traditions. Besides, we still need to perform handwriting in lots of situations like signing contracts, the handwriting on the blackboard. So handwriting will always be in practice



  Q: Do you still write letters by hand?

  A: Yes, I do. I still keep this old tradition of writing letters by hand. Even though the e-mail is faster than the traditional letter, I would still prefer writing letters by hand for the intimacy shown through the real letters. I believe a greeting letter to your parents would be more touching than sending our e mails



  Q: How can children improve their handwriting?

  A: As the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect", I believe having a suffic ient amount of practice with handwriting would definitely boost the children's improvement. I also belie ve imitating famous calligraphers is also a useful way to master handwriting in a short period of time because kids have an intuition

