英语听力汇总   |   雅思口语解析:Childhood












  Why do some adults miss their childhoods?


  In general, do children in China enjoy their childhoods?


  What do children like to do in China?


  Do you think there are benefits for children to play computer games?

  1. Why do some adults miss their childhoods?


  1)童年无忧无虑(但是得注意展开,举例说明如何地无忧无虑,建议和现在的担忧和焦虑进行对比 )



  1)大人的世界人际关系太复杂,很多人越来越冷漠和疏远indifferent and estranged,很多假象 artificial things , dishonest people 让人很疲惫

  2)大人需要承担太多的责任,比如家庭,父母,子女,have to tolerate



  One apparent reason is that childhood is so carefree. (展开)All children have to do is studying and having fun, nothing else. I remember my childhood memory was all about a park and several fellows playing until very late.(拿自己的童年举例证明)However, there are so many worries in adulthood, people rarely feel totally relieved. There is fast pace of life (快节奏的生活),endless to-do list (完不成的代办清单,这是个比较形象的说法),and the toughest thing is that you have no where to hide for a moment; you need to be confronted with it, pretending you are positive and strong. (必须面对还得显得很好,说得悲观了点,不过也是如此)

  Another thing is that adult life is very sophisticated, I mean the way people get along with each other. It’s very tiring to deal with the people you are not into … 关于人际关系的陈述,而小孩的世界则是直接表达爱恨。

  2. In general, do children in China enjoy their childhoods?



  Generally, Chinese children are not very happy, especially compared with children in some developed countries, as I know. I say so because children here have very heavy class loads since very little, not from the compulsory classes, mainly through the extra courses out of school.(主要是补习班)后文解释这个现象。Parents are afraid that their children are lagged behind and always want children to be the top students. 可以举例来说,比如家里的nephew, 小小年龄就很忙。

  One more important reason is that (这点比较深刻一些,就是中国家长的态度问题,不够尊重小孩,有时控制小孩,或者认为成绩好是唯一评判标准,使得很多小孩从小就不太自信)Parents in China sometimes don’t have the right attitude toward kids. They don’t respect them very well and neither do they give children enough freedom. They impose their expectations on kids and even only regard good scores as the only criteria of a good kid… 可以举一些认识的例子。

  3. What do children like to do in China?

  问中国的情况或现象的一类问题。建议思路是:先说generally, 即大体上,普遍上的情况。(如果合适,可以和老外熟知的西方发达国家进行一些对比,会更有说服力。)然后说 but there are people who…



  As all kids, Chinese kids would spend a lot of time watching cartoons and playing computer games nowadays. (细节和例子展开)I know so many kids are very keen on the games on iPad and they can spend the whole day on it. (自己的例子)And my childhood was mostly about watching cartoons. (主观看法)Well, but actually I don’t think it’s very advisable.(合理的靠谱的) Childhood should be spent on (被动)more meaningful things like cultivating a hobby, reading books, etc.

  Moreover, kids nowadays have fun alone, which I think really negative.

  4. Do you think there are benefits for children to play computer games?


  1)好处可以as simply as having a delightful time(为开心)电子游戏高科技是给了我们很多享受的,这点必须承认。


  3)有可能会arouse their interest in technology, possibly, 小孩接触高科技确实有可能让他们对科学产生兴趣,如果很赞同这一点,可以用具体名人展开

  Certainly, there are, despite many negative things about that.

  1) 快乐对童年是最重要的事 Firstly, it brings children so much delight, without doubt, which I think is the most crucial part of childhood. Being happy can make kids grow positively and love life.

  2) Moreover, some games can cultivate some abilities like cooperating with others. There are many games requiring communicating and cooperation. Once they beat the rivals, they can also build some confidence, for sure.

  3) Well, and there’s the likelihood that (有这样的可能性),high-tech games can arouse kids’ interest in science… 这一点可以举一个人的例子说明。