英语听力汇总   |   雅思口语part1新题: fruit and vegetables





今天雅思口语解说一道5-8月Part1新题 fruit and vegetables 考官可能会怎样提问呢?

What’s your favorite vegetable or fruit?

How often do you eat vegetables?

Do you think people should eat more fruit and vegetables?

Is it convenient to buy fruit and vegetables where you live?

我们现在来聊一下比较健康而且有营养的一个主题,fruit and vegetables,它也是比较常出现在part1里面的一个话题。


这是一个常规话题,就是问大家喜不喜欢吃水果或者蔬菜。我们的思路可以是不以单词量取胜,但是要说到位并且有逻辑性,比如可以先说我爱吃很多种水果,但是最喜欢的一定是哪一种,并且讲 清楚原因就好。

What’s your favorite vegetable or fruit?

I enjoy eating all kinds of fruit like plain fruit, tropical fruit or berries. But if you ask me, I think apples should be on the top of my list. I’ve been eating them since I was little because my mom always says that one apple a day can keep the doctor away and it’s essential for a teenager to keep a balanced healthy diet. I don’t know but it’s quite juicy and I enjoy the flavor especially when they are sweet.


plain fruit 纯水果

tropical fruit 热带水果


dried fruit干果类

flavor 口味:

salty 咸的



spicy or hot辣的

sour 酸的


作为一个Information question来说,第一个要注意的就是how often,问的是频率。然后我们可以聊一下这样做的好处是什么,也就是后面我们要处理的那个为什么要多吃的原因。

How often do you eat vegetables?

I do have them on a daily basis because I suppose it’s quite a healthy habit and I can benefit a lot form them like necessary vitamins and keeping me energetic. I also have a sweet tooth so tomatoes with sugar is absolutely my cup of tea. I eat them almost every day in summer.


频度副词相对来说是有限的,我们需熟练掌握的有always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never等。更高阶一点的表达可以是constantly, frequently, occasionally,from time to time, rarely等。同时注意,对于回答How often…的题型以上的词却有些笼统,如果需要,我们应该做到更为准确地表达“次”的概念。比如every day,当然更好的表达是 on a daily/weekly basis!还有比如,once a week, twice a month, three times a year等等。



Do you think people should eat more fruit and vegetables?

There is no doubt. They are essential for our bodies and beneficial for our health because there are a great source of vitamins and natural sugars. Eating fruits gives people a great deal of high quality nutrition.


be essential for 对什么是必不可少的

be beneficial for 对什么是有益处的



minerals 矿物质



Is it convenient to buy fruit and vegetables where you live?

Yes. I can buy them at a local farmers market within spitting distance, but perfectly ripe fruit is often not an option. I mean, I have to ripen them and wait for several days at home just like kiwi fruit. In addition, the supermarket online is an alternative. You know, nowadays, people can just buy almost everything from the Internet and I guarantee you they are totally fresh and sometimes cheaper than you think.


within spitting/walking distance 走路就能到的地方

ripen 使成熟

alternative 可供选择的事物

guarantee 保证