书接上回,塔罗训练模式是为了让内容熟悉和记忆变得更加简单, 易操作。 而此篇偏向于如何准备出好的口语材料。
作为准备材料常用的一种方式, 往往给人一种“上穷税负疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的感觉, 当然不可否认, 它的局限性也比较大, 那就是“可遇而不可求”。
总而言之, 作为我们正常准备套路的一种补充, 众位在学习的过程中,一旦遇到就别错过啊~~
If you have time, there is a lovely walk down towards the River@@. For me , this is the best part of the estate. This isn’t on the map but it is all clearly signposted. You cross the field which spreads along the banks of the river.
In spring, this area is well worth a visit. Spend a minute or two watching the water pass by underneath as you cross the footbridge. On the summer's day the trees along the path provide welcome shade. Eventually you come to the water mill which used to provide the electricity for the house^^
是否有了“小桥流水人家”, “夏日林荫”的意境了呢?
上面是剑6 中一个听力材料中的段子, 稍微瞄一下, 你会发现者短几乎就是关于地点类话题的一个标准的答案, 一个近水的地方, 一个你去过还想去的地等等。