英语听力汇总   |   2014年雅思口语Part2话题:A Film You Dislike






A Film You Dislike

Describe a film you didn't like.

You should say:

when you saw it

where you saw it

what it was about

and explain why you didn't like it.

2014年雅思口语Part2新话题A Film You Dislike之

Sample Answer 参考答案

2046! Trust me, you don't know boring movies can be until you've seen a movie by Wong Kar-Wai.

I rented this at the video store and I could not stomach the film. Some of the worst performances I have ever seen and completely full of clichés and miserable acting. Yes it is pretty, but boring. Wasted too much of life on this movie. I really wanted to see it and liked many of the actors from "Hero", which I loved. But this seemed pointless. Too much crying and cigarettes. I enjoy films that most people think are slow but this was just blah. I got an hour through it then I just started fast forwarding parts because I kept dozing off. The storyline is predictableand there’s really nothing new in terms of the plot or acting. While this movie was visually stunning, but it was very slow and didn't have much of a payoff. We should start a "I hate 2046" club