英语听力汇总   |   2013年5月雅思口语新题汇总(Part 2)





本文为2013年5月雅思口语新题的Part 2部分。




1. 加了“*”的是今天爆出的新题;

2. 没有加“*”但是标红了的是上个月的老题但是依然再考;

3. 黑色字体的表示目前还没有考,极有可能跳票。


Part 2:


The best parent you know(频率极高)

*A person you would love to talk to

*A positive change in your life

*Recent change of your life

A time when you helped others

Someone you made friends on the first sight

A Good Neighbour

Someone who is very polite

A Teenager You Know

Something You Learned from a Family Member



*A place you would love to go during the holiday

*A rom you spent a lot of time

A house or flat that you visited

A Perfect Holiday

A Café

A Museum or Library

A Plan(not relate with your work and study)

A crowded place

Favourite ways of Relaxing

A Garden

Recent Change of your hometown

A City or Town You Have Visited

A house or flat that you visited

A Meal You Like to Eat

Favourite ways of Relaxing


*An advertisement(频率极高)



*A book about history

A Television Program

A Film About a Real Person or Event

A film about future

A Book You Would Recommend

A Meaningful Song

A Popular Band or Singer


*An important job

*A language(except English and mandarin)

*A work plan

*A time after winning an award(这个话述不准确,待确认)

An Unusual Job

Your Future Work Plans

A time when you are late

A Project

A Game(not a sport)


*One kind of clothes

*A meal you were invited to

*A time when someone visit you

A Traditional Event

A Vehicle You Would Like to Buy

An important information


*One piece of equipment (not necessarily the Electronic Equipment)

*A piece of art(频率极高)

*A gift you received

*A vehicle you would love to buy

A wrong decision(频率极高)

A childhood toy(频率极高)

A website(频率极高)

*One satisfying shopping experience

A Product You Were Dissatisfied With

A piece of furniture


*A Sports Event You would love to watch

*Favorite part of the day~

A Way to Relax

The growth of one plant(in your country)\ An important\ A familiar plant in your country

A performance that you recently watched

A Seaside Leisure Activity


A Group Activity(频率高,话述修改为Team members and Leaders)

An interesting speech

A Lesson, Class or Training Session

Something that you learnt from maths class in the primary school

An Important Event in History

*A rule made by school( a rule at school you agree or disagree)