英语听力汇总   |   雅思听力中的口语经:词汇篇





在备考雅思口语的过程中,所有考生大概都期望着可以练就原汁原味的地道口语,但是当你四处搜罗所谓参考答案,狂写狂背一通,却失望而归的时候,有没有意识到其实所谓原汁原味的地道口语就是我们在做雅思听力真题时所听到的原文?我们只顾埋头做题,却忽略了从我们手中如此好的“口语”资源中汲取营养。所以在本系列文章中,将从获得雅思口语高分的四项评分标准(fluency & coherence,vocabulary,grammar和pronunciation)出发,紧密结合剑桥听力真题各个section的原文,详细分析其中可用于口语表达的语汇,句型,发音,话题思路及拓展方法等等,帮助烤鸭们一箭双雕,在练习听力的同时,全面立体地提高雅思口语成绩。

很多烤鸭们都知道口语考试的评分标准中词汇占了很重要的地位,但是对于考官如何具体考察词汇却不甚了解,很多考生一直片面地以为,考官看重的是词汇量以及词汇的难度。但在考官眼中,在以交流为本的基础上,真正好的驾驭词汇的能力包括:广泛的词汇范围(the range of vocabulary),多变的词汇使用(the variety of vocabulary)以及地道的习惯表达(the idiomatic expressions)。这些对词汇能力的要求都充分地展现在雅思听力中,既是对听力水平的考验,又是对口语极好的学习模仿素材。在本文中,朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师们将结合雅思口语真题,详细分析如何充分利用剑桥听力真题提高口语词汇的能力。

广泛的词汇范围(the range of vocabulary)


Part 1 常见topic:sports

口语真题:Do you like (to play/to do) any sports? (What sport?)


搜索结果:剑6 test 1 section 1

录音原文:Do you have tennis courts … We’re primarily a golf club … what about football? ... I’ve played badminton there … we do have a keep-fit studio … as well as that we have swimming, of course … do you have judo classes? I’m keen to learn…well, at the moment we offer kick-boxing. We’re planning to add judo and stretch classes soon. We’re currently running a range of yoga classes, too.

使用指导:大家听题时会发现,在这段听力原文中,虽然其中的运动种类的词汇有许多是“陷阱”和干扰项,但是却都是回答运动类问题很实用的口语词汇,不妨通过恰当的思路,拿来充实一下part 1的答案,主动地向考官展示一下“the range of vocabulary”,以获得词汇的高分。

现学现用:well, I’d say that I’m keen on quite a range of sports. I usually go to the gym to do some exercises in a keep-fit studio or go swimming of course, recently I’ve tried judo and kick-boxing, which are really exciting, but yoga is always my favorite, especially after long period of work. If the weather is fine, I’d also like to spend my time at the tennis court or golf club…

Part 2常见topic:Library


Describe a library that you have used.

You should say:

where it was

what type of library it was

what books and facilities it had

explain how useful it was for your studies or research.

题目分析:这是近期一直很热门的卡片,在这道题中很多同学比较头疼的就是“what books and facilities it had”,本来中国的学生们就不像外国学生那么频繁地使用图书馆,所以对相关的词汇就更加陌生,不知从何谈起了。接下来朗阁海外考试研究中心就向考生推荐一下有哪些合适的听力真题能帮上忙吧。

搜索结果:剑桥5 test 2 section 1

录音原文:good morning,North College Library…But you’ll find they don’t have the range of reference books or facilities which we buy for our students. That’s why you have to pay to be an external member…we allow twelve items borrowed at any one time if you’re a students, and that includes CDs, DVDs and videos…the earliest you can book a computer is 48 hours before you need it…we have a wide range of databases, so the computers are in great demand…I’m thinking of doing some writing and I might need to access national newspapers…we’ve got all the big nationals, The Guardian and The Observer, The Independent and The Times and Sunday Times. We’ve also got all the local papers and a wide selection of magazines…I assume you have photocopying facilities?...another thing I was wondering about was if you run any writing classes through the library?...

使用指导:在这道听力题的原文中,我们发现有各种表示”books and facilities” 的词汇,包括各种多媒体资料,而且还有世界著名报刊的名称,听起来就更加具体并且具有说服力,一定会给考官留下词汇范围广泛的深刻印象

现学现用:Last year,when I entered university,I became an external members of the Beijing College Library,which was quite helpful for my studies. It was not very far from my house,right at the campus of Beijing University,so it was very convenient for me to get there. Although I had to pay to be an external member, it was really worthwhile, I have to say. That was because they had the range of reference books and facilities which I couldn’t find at other libraries. Like for instance, I was allowed to borrow twelve items at any one time and that includes CDs, DVDs and videos, I could also book a computer, you know they had a wide range of databases, which was especially useful for my writing, because I was able to access all the big nationals, like,The Guardian and The Observer, The Independent and The Times and Sunday Times, as well as all the local papers and a wide selection of magazines. Besides, photocopying facilities were available there too. Most importantly, they also run writing classes through the library, which was absolutely my favorite part. Yeah, I’d say that this Library is the most useful one I’ve ever used for my studies…

Part 3常见topic:Film

口语真题:How have films changed in the past few decades?


搜索结果:剑6 Test2 section 4

录音原文:…in 1926 when sound effects were first used on a film…and it wasn’t until 1928 that the first all – talking film was produced…unfortunately, the sound on this early film was not very good and I believe they put subtitles on the film—that is, they printed the dialogue along the bottom of the film to compensate for this poor sound quality…

使用指导:这个section4的后半部分谈论了电影早期发展的相关内容,恰巧符合关于电影发展变化的口语话题,虽然section 4的内容大多都有较强的学术性,但适当使用在part 3当中还是符合考试要求的。

现学现用:well,in the past,sound effects were not used on films,you know,the silent films.

Even when the all—talking film was produced,the sound was so bad that they had to put subtitles on the film in order to compensate for this poor sound quality,which made the audience not able to enjoy the movies very well. But today,things are quite different,you know,with the amazing sound effects,watching movies are getting much more exciting than before…