acoustics(声学),the scientific study of sound;
aeronautics(航空学,航空术),the science of designing and flying airplanes;
aesthetics,esthetics(美学,审美学),the study of beauty, especially beauty in art;
dietetics(营养学),the science that is concerned with what people eat and drink and how this affects their health;
genetics(遗传学),the study of how the qualities of living things are affected and passed on by genes;
linguistics(语言学),the study of language in general and of particular languages, their structure, grammar, and history;
logistics(后勤学),the study or skill of moving soldiers, supplying them with food etc.;
orthodontics(畸齿矫正术,正齿学),the practice or skill of making teeth move into the right position when they have not been growing correctly。
astronomy(天文学),the scientific study of the stars and planets;
gastronomy(美食学,烹饪法),the art and science of cooking and eating good food;
botany(植物学),the scientific study of plants;
demography(人口统计学),the study of how human populations change, for example the study of how many births, deaths, marriages etc. happen in a particular place at a particular time;
topography(地形学),the science of describing an area of land, or making maps of it;
horticulture(园艺学),the practice or science of growing flowers, fruit, and vegetables;
jurisprudence(法学,法理学),the science or study of law;
obstetrics(产科学),the part of medical science that deals with the birth of children;
pedagogy(教育学),the practice of teaching, or the study of teaching;
podiatry(足病学,足医术),the part of medical science that deals with diseases of the foot;