英语听力汇总   |   2015常见职业名称英文单词





What is your occupation? 你的职业是什么?

accountant: 会计

参考例句:accumulated profit [accounting] 累计利润

actor: 男演员

参考例句:We need an actor. 我们需要一名男演员。

actress: 女演员

参考例句:Two actresses tied for the Best Actress award. 两名女演员并列获得最佳女演员奖。

airline representative: 地勤人员

参考例句:The ground crew is to make ready the airplane for take-off. 地勤人员将为飞机的起飞作准备

anchor: 新闻主播

参考例句:I heard that the anchorman of the CBC TV network's evening news got fired 我听说CBC电视网的晚间新闻主播被炒鱿鱼

announcer: 广播员

参考例句:The announcer is signing off for tonight 广播员宣告今晚广播结束

auditor: 审计员

参考例句:Each Auditor-General appoints a staff of auditors who inspect UN offices all over the world. 每个审计长任命若干审计员,审查联合国在全世界的办事处。

baker: 烘培师

参考例句:ABBY: When I was working at a farmers market in New York, one of the bakers taught me how to play that song on ukulele. 当我在纽约农场里工作时,其中的一位烘培师教我在夏威夷四弦琴上弹奏这首曲子

barber: 理发师 (男)

参考例句:The barber gave him a shave and a haircut 理发师给他修面理发

baseball player: 棒球选手

参考例句:a summer baseball clinic for promising young players 为有前途的年轻棒球选手进行的棒球会诊

bell boy: 门童

参考例句:The hotel doormen are usually considered front-desk employees 宾馆门厅应接员(门童)通常被认为是前厅员工。

buyer: 采购员

参考例句:Be able to be backup for RM buyers 5可以作为原材料采购员的后备人员


参考例句:The carpenter trimmed the lumber with a plane 木匠用刨子把木刨平

cartoonist: 漫画家

参考例句:The nation's cartoonists were having a field day 全国的漫画家非常得意

cashier: 出纳员

参考例句:Neither the cashier nor the clerks were present. 出纳员和办事员都不在

chef: 厨师

参考例句:He graduated as a chef 他获得了领班厨师(主厨)的资格

chemist : 化学师

参考例句:Chemist and Druggist Qualifying Examination 化学师及药师资格检定考试


参考例句:Engineering Geology Graduate 见习工程地质工程师

farmer: 农夫

参考例句:The farmer was digging potatoes 那农夫正在挖土豆

fashion designer: 时装设计师

参考例句:This young fashion designer is rising to prominence 这位年轻的时装设计师的声望越来越高。

fireman (firefighter): 消防员

参考例句:fireman general protection equipment 消防员常规防护装备

fisherman: 渔夫

参考例句:fisherman's lure that floats under the surface of the water 在水面下的渔夫的诱饵

florist: 花商

参考例句:The dissatisfied customer Berated the florist 不满意的顾客责骂花商

flyer: 飞行员

参考例句:Airplane pilots must always fly by the book 飞行员应按规则飞行

model: 模特儿

参考例句:She models for a living 她以当模特儿为生
