英语听力汇总   |   中国菜标准英文翻译二十六----饮料中的果蔬汁和碳酸饮料等





  如果你经常注意菜单上的英文,也许你就会看到那种把夫妻肺片翻译成丈夫和妻子的肺切片的译法。这样的东西老外看了肯定是不敢吃的。一起来看看官方推出的菜单翻译吧!下面的主要是饮料Non-Alcoholic Beverages.

  果蔬汁  Juice

  百香果汁 :Passion Fruit Juice

  冰果汁 :Chilled Juice

  菠萝汁 :Pineapple Juice

  苹果汁 :Apple Juice

  橙汁 :Orange Juice

  纯木瓜汁 :Papaya Juice

  凤梨木瓜汁 :Papaya and Pineapple Juice

  哈蜜瓜汁 :Hami Melon Juice

  红莓汁 :Cranberry Juice

  火龙果汁 :Dragonfruit Juice

  苦柠檬水 :Bitter Lemon Juice

  西瓜汁 :Watermelon Juice

  葡萄汁 :Grape Juice

  酸枣汁 :Wild Jujube Juice

  西柚汁/蜜柚汁 (冷/热) :Grapefruit Juice(Cold / Hot)

  时令果汁 :Seasonal Fruit Juice

  西柠蜜瓜汁 :Melon and Lemon Juice

  椰汁 :Coconut Juice

  草莓果茶 :Strawberry Juice

  蓝莓果茶 :Blueberry Juice

  蜜桃果茶 :Peach Juice

  汇源梨汁 :Huiyuan Pear Juice

  汇源桃汁 :Huiyuan Peach Juice

  汇源橙汁 :Huiyuan Orange Juice

  新奇士橙汁 :Sunkist Orange Juice

  新奇士柠檬汁 :Sunkist Lemon Juice

  鲜榨果汁 :Fresh Juice

  鲜榨青柠汁 :Fresh Lemon Juice

  鲜榨蔬菜汁 :Fresh Vegetable Juice

  番茄汁 :Tomato Juice

  胡萝卜橙子汁 :Carrot and Orange Juice

  胡萝卜芹菜汁 :Celery and Carrot Juice

  山楂胡萝卜汁 :Hawthorn and Carrot Juice

  黄瓜汁 :Fresh Cucumber Juice

  胡萝卜汁 :Fresh Carrot Juice

  苦瓜汁 :Bitter Melon Juice

  西芹汁 :Celery Juice

  牵手南瓜汁 :Together Pumpkin Juice

  牵手果蔬汁(胡萝卜橙汁) :Together Vegetable and Fruit Juice (Carrot and Orange)

  山药养生汁 :Yam Juice

  凤梨柠檬芹 :Pineapple, Lemon and Celery Juice

  番茄柠檬汁 :Tomato and Lemon Juice

  碳酸饮料  Sodas

  可口可乐 :Coca-Cola/ Coke

  姜汁汽水 :Ginger Ale

  健怡可乐 :Diet Coke

  芬达 :Fanta

  托尼克水 :Tonic Water

  雪碧 :Sprite

  意大利苏打 :Italian Soda

  大可乐/雪碧 :Coke/Sprite (large)

  混合饮料  Mixed Drinks

  百加得可乐 :Bacardi & Coke

  百加地郎姆酒,菠萝汁 :Bacardi Rum, Pineapple Juice

  百加地郎姆酒,柠檬汁 :Bacardi Rum, Lemon Juice

  青柠汁 :Lemon Juice

  伏特加橙汁 :Vodka & Orange

  伏特加苏打 :Vodka & Soda

  伏特加汤力 :Vodka & Tonic

  伏特加雪碧 :Vodka & Sprite

  伏特可乐 :Vodka & Coke

  金巴利橙汁 :Campari & Orange

  马利宾菠萝汁 :Malibu Pineapple

  绿薄荷橙汁 :Peppermint Orange

  果汁宾汁 :Fruit Punch

  其他饮料  Other Drinks

  热牛奶 :Hot Milk

  冷鲜奶 :Cold Milk

  草原鲜奶 :Fresh Milk

  牵手无糖妙士奶 :Together (Sugar-Free) Milk

  蒙牛酸奶 :Mengniu Yoghurt

  一品乳(无糖) :Yogurt Drink(Sugar-Free)

  草莓奶汁 :Strawberry Milk Juice

  木瓜奶汁 :Papaya Milk Juice

  巧克力奶 :Hot Chocolate Milk

  香草杏仁牛奶 :Vanilla & Almonds Milk

  伊利无糖酸奶 :Yili Yoghurt (Sugar-Free)

  薄荷+草莓+酸奶 :Mint+Strawberry+Yoghurt/Yoghurt with Mint & Strawberry

  薄荷+荔枝+酸奶 :Mint+Lychee+Yoghurt /Yoghurt with Mint & Lychee

  薄荷+芒果+酸奶 :Mint+Mango+Yoghurt/Yohurt with Mint & Mango

  薄荷+青苹+酸奶 :Mint+Apple+Yoghurt/Yohurt with Mint & Apple

  香橙奶昔 :Orange Milkshake

  草莓奶昔 :Strawberry Milkshake

  香草奶昔 :Vanilla Milkshake

  巧克力奶昔 :Chocolate Milkshake

  咖啡奶昔 :Coffee Milkshake

  苹果醋 :Apple Cider Vinegar

  露露 :Lulu Almond Juice

  山楂醋 :Hawthorn Vinegar

  乌龙茶(无糖型) :Oolong Tea (Sugar Free)

  红牛 :Red Bull Vatmin Drinks

  冰品  Ice

  刨冰(红豆、绿豆、芋头、情人果、草莓、百香果、巧克力、乌梅、蓝莓、芒果、花生、凤梨) :Water-Ice(with red bean/ green bean/ taro/green mango/strawberry/passion fruit/chocolate/black plum/blueberry/mango/peanut/pineapple)

  香蕉柳橙搅滑冰 :Banana and Orange Blended with Ice

  芒果牛奶搅滑冰 :Mango and Milk Blended with Ice

  柠檬搅滑冰 :Lemon Blended with Ice

  西瓜牛奶搅滑冰 :Watermelon and Milk Blended with Ice

  苹果椰奶搅滑冰 :Apple, Coconut and Milk Blended with Ice

  木瓜牛奶搅滑冰 :Papaya and Milk Blended with Ice

  香橙搅滑冰 :Orange Blended with Ice

  水蜜桃鲜橙搅滑冰 :Peach and Orange Blended with Ice

  水红参营养蜜 :Red Ginseng Honey

  香蕉牛乳汁 :Banana Milk

  木瓜牛奶蛋黄汁 :Papaya Milk with Egg Yolk

  凤梨酸奶 :Pineapple Yoghurt

  墨西哥日落咖啡 :Mexico Ice Coffee

  胡萝卜蛋奶 :Carrot-Flavoured Egg-Milk

  雪利教堂 :Mint Julep Mixed with Sprite

  鲜奶煮蛋 :Boiled Eggs with Fresh Milk

  凤梨雪泡 :Pineapple Snow

  牛奶雪泡 :Milk Snow

  咖啡雪泡 :Coffee Snow

  冰沙 :Sorbet

  柠檬冰淇淋苏打 :Lemon Ice Cream Soda

  蓝柑冰淇淋苏打 :Blue Curacao Ice Cream Soda

  薄荷冰淇淋苏打 :Mint Ice Cream Soda