31. camellia [kE5mi:liE]n.[植]茶属, 茶花, 山茶
32. I haven't cried that many times since I moved in.我搬过来还没哭过这么多次!
33. These are amazing!
amazing又来了!!!还是赞美, 无论赞美什么,都可以用这几个词:cool, amazing, awesome!
34. it not like you just came in from branding cattle.这句肯定有典故!
it not like you just came in from branding cattle
35. Lighter than air
36. But that's not the point.重要的不是这些, 类似用法:my point is..我想说的是:
37. That's like a woman wanting to be a......A penis model.
对比一下Ross的比喻就看得出编剧的匠心独运了:)ross的是:It's like if a woman wanted to be....King..
38. Really? Do you not know Chandler?见20
39. So what? 那又怎么样?
40. So those were pity laughs? 这不过是为了怜悯我的笑?用法, 名词+名词,请领会精神:)
41. limerick [5limErik]n.五行打油诗(一种通俗幽默短诗,有五行组成,韵式为aabba)
42. hilarious [hi5lZEriEs]adj.欢闹的;he is hilarious,他很搞笑。
43. Check it out!看仔细了..见901, check..out..
44. cerebral [5seribrEl] adj.脑的, 大脑的
45. I can't go through with this.我受不了这些!
go through v.经历, 经受, 仔细检查, 用完, 被通过, 参加, 搜查, 履行
46. I'm off to Tulsa。 be off to some place..离开去某地
47. I'm afraid it's not working out.
work其他类似用法:the key works.
Maybe it's something I can work on in the future.这些用法都是应该背下来的.
1.I know he is straight
straight 异性恋
bi =bisexual 双性恋,男保姆那集,ross 对 那个sandy 说:“You gotta be at least bi...”
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