英语听力汇总   |   如何在睡梦中记外语单词?





A “good night’s sleep” seems to be the solution to many things. What if I told you that “sleeping on it” could be a new strategy for language learning? Sounds like a dream, right?

睡个好觉是解决很多烦心事的好办法。那如果我告诉你睡觉也能学外语,你信吗?听起来是不是像在做梦?Maybe not. Researchers in Switzerland dug a little deeper into the “learn while sleep” myth, and the results were quite surprising.也许是真的哦。瑞士的研究专家对于“睡眠学习”之谜做了深入的研究,结果让人吃惊。

In the study, native German speaking participants were introduced to a series of Dutch-German word pairs late at night. The participants were then divided into two groups: one group stayed awake and listened to a recording of the word pairs (along with some new word pairs not previously introduced), while the other group listened to the playback as they caught some zzz’s.


After four hours, once the latter group woke from their slumber, researchers administered a test of the Dutch vocabulary to all participants. Here’s where the surprise comes in: the participants who “slept on it” performed considerably better than their counterparts who stayed awake.

四小时后,当第二组参与者从睡眠中醒来,研究人员对所有参与者进行了荷兰语词汇的记忆测试。让人惊讶的事情来了:睡着听单词的参与者比醒着听的参与者表现得要好很多。Brilliant, right? Just pop in some tapes while you sleep and you’ll be fluent in no time! Actually… it doesn’t quite work like that. The study highlights an importantprecursor for success—this act of “verbal cueing” only works when learners have actively studied the words beforehand:“Re-exposure to Dutch words during sleep improved later memory for the German translation of the cued words when compared with uncued words.”


Essentially, new foreign words won’t magically appear in your vocabulary after hearing them in your sleep. You actually have to put in the effort in your conscious state first. The only thing better than a good night’s sleep? Improving your language skills while you do it.

实质上,外语生词并不会在睡听后就奇迹般地出现在你的语言中,你必须先在意识状态方面花点功夫。有什么是比单纯睡个好觉更好的唯一好处?那就是,你还可以同时提升你的语言技巧。Have you tried listening to another language in your sleep? Have you found it helpful?Just try it!
