16. trivia [5trivjE]n.琐事
17. you stink of cigarettes.
stink of v.发恶臭
18. something to cover the smell cover the smell, 盖住这味道..
19. unscented [9Qn`sentId]adj.无气味的,无香味的
20. I'm feeling kinda gross.
gross [^rEJs]adj.肥大的;粗野的,粗俗的,不雅的(语言、举止)
21. she's stuck in terrible traffic.
be stuck in traffic..被堵在路上了..交通堵塞类似说法: traffic jam.
22. you only heard Monica's side of that.你听到的不过是莫尼卡的一面之辞 Sb's side of ...高级用法
23. fatso [5fAtsEu]n.胖子, 胖家伙(作称呼用,含贬意)
24. I just don't think I can bear it.还记得新概念2册第一课的: i couldn't bear it么?
bear sth..受得了...类似说法: stand it.. 以及后面有一集里Phoebe说Mike: if he cannot handle it...也有类似意思.
25. the world is your oyster. Kick up the heels. Paint the town red.
1.the world is your oyster. 这是你最得意的时刻
2.Kick up your heels. 好好出去享受一番
3.Paint the town red. 外面的世界很精彩(或:世界需要你才会精彩) 尽情享受,热烈庆祝
我不是很清楚Paint the town red的用法, (这里是转前面贴子的)但英语里还有一句和red有关表示高兴,值得纪念的成语:
red-letter day;
e.g: it was one of the red-letter days of my life.这是我一生中最值得纪念的日子之一.(高级用法)
26. shove [FQv]n.<口>推, 挤;vt.<口>推挤, 猛推, 强使;vi.推
27. Holy moly, are we in a pickle now.天哪... 这次歇菜了...
Holly Mother Of God! 见: 913
Holy moly..
holy f*ck..
holy shoot.. 后两个是notting hill 里的 英国佬说话就这味道
28. They're forty minutes late.类似说法: I am late for forty minutes..
29. I'm starving.=I'm very hungry.
30. are we expecting the rest of our party shortly? expect..高级用法:
例句: we are expecting a baby,我们不久就会有小孩子拉..(怀孕了)
be expected to do sth.
you are expected to pick me up around six.你得在6点左右来接我.
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