1. I couldn't get a reservation for the night of my birthday reservation:[7rezE5veiFEn]n.保留, (旅馆房间等)预定, 预约
make a reservation:
If you want to go to the concert, you'll have to make a reservation, or there will be no tickets.
2. we have to do dinner Thursday night instead.
3. Halloween[5hAlEu5i:n]n.万圣节前夕, 诸圣日前夕
October 31, celebrated in the United States, Canada, and the British Isles by children going door
to door while wearing costumes and begging treats and playing pranks.
4.spooky [5spu:kI]adj.幽灵般的, 怪异的, 神经质的
情景: 这里Phoebe说没有预定到位子,要改在周四吃生日饭, Joey说那可是万圣节..Phoebe说, so..意思是万圣节怎么了?
我生日你想怎么着? Joey就说: So spooky, that's all.(就是有些怪异,倒没别的), 鬼节过生日
5. I get mad at him, get/be mad at sb/sth
6. I think it's a little too soon to show my true colors.
7. I would make a reservation for five 见1
8. I'll put a lot of extra thought into your gift.我要在给你的礼物上多化些心思
9. We all haven't been together, the six of us, in such a long time.
表达"有很长时间" 的说法有:in such a long time,
又比如901里Phoebe说:we haven't done the secret thing in a long time.
in a long time也可以表达这一意思.
10. let's get started by taking a look at last quarter's figures.
get started..开始做某事.
get started by doing..从做某事开始..
start from scratch
from scratch从零开始, 从无到有, 白手起家
11. it's legal to smoke in offices with fifteen people or less.
注意这里"少于"的表达方法: 15 people or less.
Chandler后面的另一表达是: fewer than.
12. trick or treat 翻译为: 想要招待,还是想捣蛋..??
13. threadbare[5WredbZE]adj.穿破旧衣服的, 俗套的
14. Chandler's gonna be home any minute,
any minute. = in any mintue..马上, 随时..
14. I'm ovulating and Chandler's gonna be home any minute, so I thought we would try before
dinner.还记得901笔记里说Mon的父亲建议Mon在Ovulating时候做爱容易怀孕么? 那时就是给这里及后面的一系列作铺垫.
15. in Oklahoma smoking is legal in all common areas and offices with fewer than fifteen people.