31. half way through our date
32. I am very memorable。memorable[5memErEbl]adj.值得纪念的, 难忘的
33.who's fault is that?中文语序是: that is who's fault? 这是谁的错呢??
请牢记这种英文句型. 比如:who's cup is it?这是谁的水杯?
34. What's the big deal? 有什么大不了的么?
类似句型: it's no bigh deal. 这没什么大不了的..
35. although sometimes when I'm a little bloated 尽管有时候我会有些自信过头..
bloated[5blEutid]adj.浮肿的, 发胀的, 傲慢的
36. why don't you just let it go 。let go.. 不计较..放过..参见其他集的笔记
37. sluttery[5slQtEri]n.懒惰, 邋塌, 淫荡
38. You're made for each other.天生一对, 其他表达方法有:
you're perfect for each other. You both are so meant to be together.
39. salt[sC:lt]n.食盐, 风趣, 刺激;adj.;含盐的, 咸的, 风趣的, 辛辣的;vt.加盐于, 用盐腌
40. mermaid [5mE:meid]n.(传说中的)美人鱼, <美>女子游泳健将
41. Quick thing,有个小事情..在打断对方说话,说有点事,很快处理的事情时,引入语...
42. you got mad at that part.
get mad at sb/sth 因为..而生气
be mad at sb/sth 对...生气
43. I ended up telling him end up doing...最后...
44. he seemed too bummed out that 沮丧,难过
45. I swear to Lucifer。 lucifer[5lu:sIfE(r)]n.魔鬼, 撒旦
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