英语听力汇总   |   老友记第九季第四集单词学习(一)






  1. Could you zip me up?

  zip [zip] [计]一种程序压缩的档案文件格式 n. 拉链

  v. 拉开或拉上

  zip up: 帮某人把衣服/裤子/裙子..上的拉链拉上.

  zip up其他意思: 增添滋味;增加兴趣或生命力

  2. So why you all dressed up?

  dress up v. 盛装, 打扮, 装饰, 伪装

  3. Mike's picking me up for a date.

  pick up原意为: v. 掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速

  引申用法: 接某人, 比如: would you please pick me up around six?

  4. is it getting serious?

  5.you are a bit of a drama queen. 你有点象戏剧女王。

  6. you're so much better off. better off adj. 状况好的;经济状况好的,富裕的

  7. I can't believe I never realized this before. realize, 认识到...

  8. I'm in my 30s 我都三十多了...

  9. I'm sorry I didn't catch... catch...I didn't catch what you said.. 没听清楚..

  10. compact 女士用的补妆盒 [5kRmpAkt] adj. 紧凑的, 紧密的, 简洁的 n. 契约, 合同, 小粉盒

  11. How come? 怎么会?

  How come you look so sad? 你怎么看上去这么伤心?

  12. Why don't you fly out there and surprise him?

  13. The black see-through teddy with the attached

  garters 黑色、透明、带吊带的连衫衬裤

  see-through [5si:5Wru:] adj. 透明的

  teddy [5tedi] n. (流行于20世纪20年代的妇女)连衫衬裤

  garter [5^B:tE] n. 吊袜带 v. 吊袜带吊住

  14. I don't usually ask out women that I meet in coffeehouses

  ask out [口]请去作客 , 邀请外出

  15. I just figured that I'd help you out

  help out 帮助(某人) 帮助(某人)解决困难[做某事]


老友记第九季第四集  https://www.tingclass.net/show-5036-548-1.html
老友记第九季 https://www.tingclass.net/list-5036-1.html
实习医生格蕾第二季 https://www.tingclass.net/list-8671-1.html
美国脱口秀女王奥普拉20年精选集  https://www.tingclass.net/list-7616-1.html