46. diagnostician[7daiE^nCs5tiFEn] n.诊断医生, 诊断专家
47. boo-boo n.<俚>愚蠢的错误, 轻伤
48. Does he say that before he sticks his thermometer in your touchy? 他是在把体温计插入你屁屁之前说的这话吗???????????
touchy 发tushi屁股的意思,小孩子量体温是在那量的,效果跟舌下,腋窝是一样的
touchy[5tQtFi] adj.暴躁的, 难以处理的, 易起火的
49. wall-hanging
50. I was hoping I would run into you.
run into sb...碰巧遇见某人
例句:It's a pleasant surpise runing into you...碰到你真让我又惊又喜。。。
51. I'm so embarrassed.
It is so humiliating..
I am so insulted...
52. Why did you go along with that?
go along with sth..
go along with v.一起去, 赞同, 附和。高级用法, 一定记住。
53. That wouldn't stand in the way of a true pianist.这可不会难住真正的钢琴家.
stand in the way of 妨碍,阻住...的路
54. Plays 'air piano' 虚弹了一会钢琴。
55. acoustic [E5ku:stIk]adj. 有关声音的, 声学的, 音响学的
56.folksy [5fEuksi]adj.和气的, 有民间风味的, 友好的, 无拘束的
57.you just caught me off guard!
off guard adv.不警惕
58. rash [rAF] adj.轻率的, 匆忙的, 卤莽的;n.[医]皮疹
59. single parent单身家长,
60. I got held up at Dr. Gettleman's office.我在Gettleman医生办公室耽搁了.
got held up...被耽搁了。。。受阻了。。。
61. call me when you land.到那后一定给我打电话.
62. I'm mad at you 类似说法:you are driving me crazy...
63. Any chance you are trying to pick a fight to make all this easier?
64. you see right through me!! 你还真了解我。。
65. Double promise?
66. He had to board. 他得登机了.
登机: 简单的说board...
1.>How do you and Joey know each other anyway?..
> How do I and Joey know each other? Wow,
> If I had a nickel for every time somebody has asked me that. 怎么大家都这么问。
there's a saying. "if i had a nickel/ penny/ dime for everytime someone asked me that, i would be rich!" it means that everyone has been asking this person the same question and this person wants to express this fact.
2.> Well, I'm a lawyer.
> Mike, 'attorney at law'!
> Actually, I just gave up my practice.
> What? That's the kinda thing you usually run by me.什么?这些事你也经常告诉我。
run by me means "let me know about".
if you don't understand something someone tells you, you can also say "run that by me again?"
3. botched Botox
要數今年最熱門的醫學美容話題,一定莫過於「肉毒桿菌素」去皺治療了!BOTOX (保妥適)去皺注射,現今在美國已蔚然成風,迄今已有超過160萬人次接受過 BOTOX 注射。這種神奇的美容除皺科技,毋須開刀,不留疤痕,在很短時間內消除皺紋,增加個人自信。
好恐怖,听说 汤姆.克鲁斯,朱丽亚.罗泊茨 定期都要去打一针.
botched means that it was "messed up" somehow.
顺便,plastic surgery,整形手术。
4.Look Joey all grown up, 为什么Joey听见那几个名字就笑个不停
> dr.Wiener
Weiner is another word for penis that children use, it's also another word for hot dog but its usually for penis.
> Sandy Poophack
> Lana Titweiller
tit is another word for breast
5.i call their apartment 我要他们的公寓!其余的人气自己晚了一步。
6.the world is your oyster. 这是你最得意的时刻
Kick up your heels. 好好出去享受一番
Paint the town red. 外面的世界很精彩(或:世界需要你才会精彩)
关于Paint the town red:今天下班后去了一趟图书大厦,在一本关于美国习语的书上看到了这句话的准确解释:尽情享受,热烈庆祝
老友记第九季903 The One With The Pediatrician https://www.tingclass.net/show-5036-547-1.html
老友记第九季 https://www.tingclass.net/list-5036-1.html
实习医生格蕾第二季 https://www.tingclass.net/list-8671-1.html
美国脱口秀女王奥普拉20年精选集 https://www.tingclass.net/list-7616-1.html