31. Dr. Gettleman is finishing up with a patient, he should be out shortly. finish up with sb..
32. strep[strep] n.链锁状球菌
33. lollypop [5lClipCp]n.糖果, 棒棒糖
34. You even have to ask?! 这还要问?
35。 I have an appointment for Emma.
用法:have a appointment for sb.. 这里的sb是你为谁约的。。
have a appointment with sb...这里的sb是你要见的人。
36. for so long ; for that long...
37. fall out v.争吵, 吵架, 闹翻, 结果是, 离队
这个100%要记住, 学英语这么久。。。吵架。。怎么说今天才知道:(
38. That's why you look so familiar!我说你怎么那么面熟!
39. Do you not know each other? 老外很随便的用法。
40. Mike is playing a game that we used to play in high school.
use to do..我们过去做过的。。。
use to doing...习惯做某事。。见902
41.This is humiliating! 表达同样意思的还有ross说的:I am so insulted!!!
42. you've still got a lot of packing to do.
get a lot of packing to do...
do的用法, Rach说过do the floor, do the window...意思是打扫了地板,打扫了窗子。
a lot a packing to do...就是还有很多东西要收拾, 给行李打包的意思。
43. this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.这种机会很难得。。。千载难逢的机会。高级用法, 一定要记住。
44. I mean four days is not that long.
is not that long..
for that long..
for so long
45. if we can't make it one day, 如果我们连一天都挺不住
老友记第九季903 The One With The Pediatrician https://www.tingclass.net/show-5036-547-1.html
老友记第九季 https://www.tingclass.net/list-5036-1.html
实习医生格蕾第二季 https://www.tingclass.net/list-8671-1.html
美国脱口秀女王奥普拉20年精选集 https://www.tingclass.net/list-7616-1.html