16. botched Botox.糟糕的Botox除皱治疗
17. therapist [5WerEpIst] n.临床医学家
18. get out of a nine-year relationship,刚结束一场9年的感情,
19. attaboy [5AtEbCi] int.好啊! 好样的!
20. if I had a nickel for every time somebody has asked me that.
There's a saying. "if i had a nickel/ penny/ dime for everytime someone asked me that, i would be rich!" it means that everyone has been asking this person the same question and this person wants to express this fact.
21. what are you up to these days?你最近都在做些什么呢?
类似用法: what's up? 怎么了?
22. Slim Pickings.
第9季中这个词经常出现, 这里Slim Pickings 是一个烤肉馆的名字,
这种剧情有点象周星星电影里的: 有间客栈..
23. a bit of a stretch这么说有点说过了
24. mesquite n.(=mesquit)豆科灌木
25. cheesy[5tFi:zi] adj.干酪质的, <美俚>(质量)低劣的, 下等的, <英俚>俊俏的, 潇洒的
26. head-hunter.猎头..
27. whole hog n.最大程度, 彻底
28. It's going to be tough to keep Kosher in Tulsa.
kosher: (有很多意思, 请查字典, 这里的意思应该是
Selling or serving food prepared in accordance with dietary laws:
a kosher restaurant. 可食餐馆
29. this is really flattering,这太荣幸了..
类似用法: you are flattering me!! I am flattered!!!都是一个意思.
30. That's the kinda thing you usually run by me.什么?这些事你也经常告诉我。
Run by me means "let me know about".
If you don't understand something someone tells you, you can also say "run that by me again?"