11. stop by, 拜访, 去...一趟,
12. muffin[5mQfin]n.松饼
13. take your time别着急;类似的用法: take it easy....叫别人别紧张, 别着急..
14. he's really not letting this go 他是不是还就想揪着这事不放哪???
let go...不放过..
15. he got over the "we were on a break" thing really quickly, 他忘记“我们分手了”这件事情确实很快
对比第7点, be over, 意思和get over一样, 就是从某事/病痛中恢复过来的意思...
be, get的区别是, be 表示状态, get表示动作的过程, 比如
the flower is red, the flower is getting red...
16. if everyone's on board 如果大家都同意
17. throw up v.呕吐, 猛地举起, 放弃, 产生, 使显眼
18. I am losing my mind lose one's mind快疯了... 类似: I am getting nuts!!
19. dipper [5dipE] n.浸渍者, 汲取的人, 浸染工, 显影液容器, 北斗七星
20. I still can't believe she slept with you in the first place