一般说What does it mean?或What is its meaning?
1. what does this mean?
常用英语聊天对白 ...
that's all right. (行了)
what does this mean? (这是什么意思)
what time? (几点了) ...
laowutong.cc- 基于140个网页
2. was bedeutet das?
谁有好一点的英文短信_百度知道 ...
warum? (为什么)
was bedeutet das? (这是什么意思)
was ist das? (这是什么) ...
zhidao.baidu.com- 基于38个网页
什么意思生活..What’s the point of life
What’s the point of life
休.格兰特-Dance With Me Tonight 歌词+翻 ...
If you’ll dance with me tonight如果您的舞蹈与我今晚
What’s the point of life什么意思生活
If risk is just a board game如果风险只是一个棋盘游戏. ...
加油英语 https://www.tingclass.net/show-7806-327979-1.html
加油英文 https://www.tingclass.net/show-7806-266190-1.htm
never grow old https://www.tingclass.net/show-209-328014-1.html