noble; honourable; valuable; rare; dignity ;
现代汉英大辞典 1. (达到高度道德水平的) noble; honourable; high:
2. (极有价值; 非常难得) valuable; rare:
3. (阶级地位特殊、生活享受优越的) highly privileged; elitist
Something noble and timeless like stephen.2.高贵的假寡妇蜘蛛是英国最毒的蜘蛛。
The noble false widow spider is the uk's most venomous.3.young fisher是一只高贵的熊,它非常擅长抓鱼。
Young fisher is a noble bear who is very good at catching fish.4.对于这位鸽派新贵,aipac以一种高贵的姿态在公开场合保持沉默。
Aipac has maintained a lofty public silence about this doveish upstart.5.他不具备把握抽象概念的能力,而是要将其信念置于高贵的感觉和强烈的情感之中。
He has a poor grasp of abstract principles and puts his faith in high feeling andstrong emotion.