英语听力汇总   |   开电扇睡觉对健康有害





Sleeping with a fan on might seem like something you'd only need to do on the hottest summer nights, at least if your AC's not up to the task (or, horrors, you're living in an AC-free apartment) and the heat won't let you sleep. There are other occasions when a fan might help you snooze, as well, such as if you're sharing a home with someone who insists on cranking up the heat to subtropical levels despite the fact that everyone knows cooler temps = good sleeping weather. (Healthline says 65 degrees is the best temperature for quality sleep.) Or you may be feverish, or menopausal, or just have a body temperature that runs a bit on the high side.


Whatever your reason for needing a little nighttime cooling, a fan might seem like the perfect solution for making sure that your room (or your side of the bed) alone gets cooled down without affecting the temperature in the rest of the house. Wait, not so fast with the fan, there! It turns out that sleeping with a fan on may, under certain circumstances, be harmful to your health.


Bustle spoke with Dr. Seema Sarin M.D., director of lifestyle medicine at EHE Health, and her take on the issue is that sleeping with a fan on in your bedroom "may cause more harm than good if you suffer from allergies." The reason for this is because fans blow the air around the room and, as Sarin points out, this means that the fan also "blows around dust particles [so] if you are allergic to dust mites, it can exacerbate your symptoms with increased exposure." She also says that fans can circulate pollen in the air, which will obviously be problematic if you're bothered by pollen allergies and hay fever.

Bustle与EHE Health的生活方式医学主任Seema Sarin M.D.博士进行了交谈,她对这个问题的看法是,在卧室里开着风扇睡觉“如果你患有过敏,可能弊大于利。”这是因为风扇会吹动房间周围的空气,这意味着风扇也会“吹动灰尘颗粒【所以】如果你对尘螨过敏,它会随着接触量的增加而加剧你的症状。”她还说,风扇可以在空气中传播花粉,如果你患有花粉过敏和花粉热,这显然是有问题的。

Even if you don't suffer from specific allergies, there's one more problem with fan-cooled, recirculated air. The air blown around by a fan tends to contain less moisture, which, as Sarin says, "can lead to drying out of your mucous membranes and sinus irritation."
