This ingredient can help to decrease inflammation on the skin, exfoliate the skin, and kill bacteria that causes acne. "Zinc is necessary for collagen synthesis, and when deficient, the keratin in the skin can be more 'sticky,' resulting in more clogged pores. A lot of people with acne may find supplementation helpful to decrease acne breakouts," said board-certified dermatologist Purvisha Patel, MD. Zinc can be taken as a supplement or used in skincare products to effectively fight acne.
这种成分有助于减少皮肤炎症,去角质,杀死引起痤疮的细菌。专业皮肤科医生珀维莎·帕特尔(Purvisha Patel)医学博士说:“锌是胶原蛋白合成所必需的,当锌缺乏时,皮肤中的角蛋白会变得更“粘”,导致毛孔堵塞。许多痤疮患者可能会发现补充锌有助于减少痤疮的爆发。”锌可以作为补品服用,或用于护肤产品中,以有效对抗痘痘。
Taking a zinc supplement can help more than your skin. According to Everyday Health, zinc is just as important as vitamin C when it comes to keeping you healthy. "Immune cells depend on zinc for healthy development and function," said Trista Best, RD, MPH. It is recommended that you take no more than 40 milligrams of zinc per day, even if you are treating a cold. This nutrient can also help manage blood sugar levels because it helps the body store and release insulin.
补充锌不仅能帮助你的皮肤。据《每日健康》报道,在保持健康方面,锌和维生素C一样重要。“免疫细胞的健康发育和功能依赖于锌,”注册营养师、公共卫生硕士Trista Best说。建议每天锌的摄入量不要超过40毫克,即使你正在治疗感冒。这种营养物质也可以帮助控制血糖水平,因为它有助于身体储存和释放胰岛素。
According to Healthline, zinc can accelerate wound healing, reduce the risk of some age-related diseases, and decrease inflammation in the body. However, not everyone should take a zinc supplement. Taking too much can lead to unpleasant side effects including nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, cramps, headaches, and reduced immune function. You should always speak with your doctor before adding any new supplements to your diet. They can help you find the best dosage and choose reputable brands.