压力是我们生活中正常的一部分,有些压力实际上对你有好处。加州大学伯克利分校对老鼠进行的研究发现,短时间的压力在两周后改善了他们的精神表现(见伯克利新闻)。“你总是认为压力是一件很糟糕的事情,但事实并非如此,”伯克利加利福尼亚大学的综合生物学副教授Daniela Kaufer说。“一定程度的压力有助于将你推向最佳警觉性、行为和认知水平。”
But while short bursts of stress may be helpful to the brain, chronic stress is not. Ongoing stress can cause many health problems, one of which is bruxism. Bruxism refers to teeth grinding and jaw clenching that is often associated with stress and anxiety (via National Health Service). Side effects of bruxism include headaches, facial pain, and disrupted sleep. It can also cause you to wear down and break your teeth if it goes on long enough without treatment. Stress can also weaken your immune system, which can contribute to other dental problems like gum disease (via Live Science). However, according to Live Science, it is unlikely that stress alone could cause your teeth to fall out. Such a severe outcome in your dental health is more likely to be caused by serious gum disease left untreated for a long period of time.
Although stress may not cause your teeth to fall out, it comes with plenty of other negative side effects that you want to avoid. According to Cleveland Clinic, physical symptoms of stress include aches and pains, increase heart rate, fatigue, dizziness, and high blood pressure. You can also experience stomach problems, a weakened immune system, and sexual dysfunction. Emotional and mental symptoms of stress include anxiety, irritability, depression, panic attacks, and sadness.
Chronic stress even has behavioral symptoms, which can include changes in appetite, avoiding responsibilities, and increased nervous behaviors like nail-biting and fidgeting. People who are chronically stressed may try to manage their emotions in unhealthy ways like overusing drugs and alcohol to reduce their stress levels.
Fortunately, there are many ways to manage your stress levels. Exercising regularly can help, as well as relaxing practices like meditation and yoga. If you feel like you can't manage your stress, speak with your healthcare provider. Sometimes therapy or medications are the best way to deal with chronic stress.