英语听力汇总   |   应该吃多少盐没有标准答案





Health organizations warn that most people consume too much salt. We've all heard that excess sodium can raise blood pressure and contribute to heart disease. Moreover, it may affect the brain, kidneys, and blood vessels, leading to poor health. For example, research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology suggests that eating too much sodium can cause stiffening of the arteries, impaired endothelial function, and cardiovascular problems.


What you may not know is that your body needs sodium to function properly, explains Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Table salt, or sodium chloride, plays a key role in muscle and nerve function while maintaining your fluid and electrolyte balance. This nutrient also enhances food flavor, prevents bacterial growth, and masks bitterness, among other properties.


As the researchers note, we need no more than 500 milligrams of sodium per day. Yet, the average American consumes about 3,400 milligrams daily, reports Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The problem is that there is no consensus on how much salt we should be eating. Ask three different experts about it, and you will get three different answers.

正如研究人员所指出的,我们每天需要的盐不超过500毫克。然而,哈佛大学陈德熙公共卫生学院(Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health)的报告显示,美国人平均每天摄入约3400毫克。问题是对于我们应该吃多少盐没有标准答案。问三位不同的专家,你会得到三个不同的答案。

The American Heart Association recommends about 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day — that's less than a teaspoon of salt. This amount appears to be safe for most adults, including those with high blood pressure, notes Harvard Health Publishing. People aged 51 to 70 years should aim for 1,300 milligrams of sodium per day, while those over 70 years old should have no more than 1,200 milligrams.


But not everyone agrees with these recommendations. Dr. Eric Berg, DC, states that eating less than a teaspoon of salt per day can actually increase the risk of heart attacks (via YouTube). Instead, he suggests consuming two teaspoons of salt per day, especially if you're on a ketogenic diet. This eating plan is low in carbs and high in fat. After ingestion, carbs are converted to glycogen — and each gram of glycogen is stored with at least 3 grams of water, reports a 2015 study featured in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. Therefore, you can expect to lose water weight while on the keto diet.

但并非所有人都同意这些建议。Eric Berg博士说,每天吃少于一茶匙的盐实际上会增加心脏病发作的风险。相反,他建议每天摄入两茶匙盐,特别是如果你正在进行生酮饮食的话。这种饮食计划碳水化合物含量低,脂肪含量高。2015年发表在《欧洲应用生理学杂志》上的一项研究报告称,摄入碳水化合物后,碳水化合物会转化为糖原,每克糖原至少与3克水一起储存。因此,在酮类饮食中,你确实可以减轻体内水的重量。

Sodium causes your body to hold onto water, which may help prevent dehydration. Considering this aspect, it makes sense to increase your salt intake when cutting down on carbs. However, Dr. Berg points out that his recommendations don't apply to those who tend to retain fluid. So, unless you are on a low-carb diet, it's best to keep your sodium intake in check and stick to 1,500 milligrams per day.
